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FIELD TRIP: Strouds Run State Park 6 Oct 2012 Highlights & Clarifications LOCAL FLORA Dr. Donald P. Althoff Bugleweed (Va. water horehound) Ebony spleenwort.

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Presentation on theme: "FIELD TRIP: Strouds Run State Park 6 Oct 2012 Highlights & Clarifications LOCAL FLORA Dr. Donald P. Althoff Bugleweed (Va. water horehound) Ebony spleenwort."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIELD TRIP: Strouds Run State Park 6 Oct 2012 Highlights & Clarifications LOCAL FLORA Dr. Donald P. Althoff Bugleweed (Va. water horehound) Ebony spleenwort Indian tobacco Autumn coralroot

2 _________________ (USDA) Small flowered coral root (Blair) Late coralroot (Newton’s) (not listed in Peterson’s) Corallorhiza odontorhiza CLASS: Liliopsida (monocot FAMILY: Orchidaceae (orchid family)

3 _________ linear-lanceolate, 3-4.5 mm long X 1-1.5 mm wide, madder-purple, typically green at the base. each flower subtended by a small, linear-lanceolate ________ Autumn coralroot (USDA) Small flowered coral root (Blair) Late coralroot (Newton’s)

4 Autumn coralroot (USDA) Small flowered coral root (Blair) Late coralroot (Newton’s) Known to be ______________. Could be insect-pollinated Flowering: late August-late October (i.e., 10/6/2012!!!) __________ of 3 coralroots in Ohio to flower

5 Variation on the “purple dotting” of the _____

6 USDA: Endangered for FL, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT …_________

7 Top and Under (note spores) CLASS: Filicopsida (whisk ferns) FAMILY: Polypodiaceae (spleenwort family) Stalk dark brown, shining, smooth, short, stiff, and erect _________________ Asplenium platyneuron

8 Under leaf - spores Top of leaf – never spores Ebony spleenwort Asplenium platyneuron

9 Cutleaf grapefern Botrychium dissectum

10 Cutleaf grapefern Botrychium dissectum Sporophyll…. spore-bearing leaf

11 Botrychium dissectum f. _________ Botrychium dissectum f. ____________

12 _____________ dogwood Cornus drummonii CLASS: Magnoliopsida (dicot) FAMILY: Cornaceae (dogwood family)

13 Roughleaf dogwood Cornus drummonii Leaves are ___________ & ________ to the touch IF you rub a certain way

14 Roughleaf dogwood Cornus drummonii

15 _______ (eastern) = burningbush (USDA) Euonymus atropurpureus Distinctive flower (pink) & seed pods (red) CLASS: Magnoliopsida (dicot) FAMILY: Celastraceae (bittersweet family) “Winged”stem and branching… wingstem does not branch

16 Wahoo (eastern) Euonymus atropurpureus ___________ Verbesina alternifolia


18 ______________ Lobelia inflata Most common lobelia July-August “typical” blooming period Small flowers “tucked” into leaf axils…not close together CLASS: Magnoliopsida (dicot) FAMILY: Campanulaceae (bellflower family)

19 Lobelioideae – 1 of 2 ___________ in bellflower family Lower “lip” formed by ____ petals !!! Great blue lobelia Indian tobacco

20 Indian Tobacco Lobelia inflata Alternate leaves, toothed and ovate (more for basal leaves Base of flower becomes swollen seed pod

21 Indian Tobacco ( Lobelia inflata ) Early New England settlers used often The most potent part of the plant is the seed as it contains the most ________ — the main ingredient which gives the plant its pyschoactive property. More a relaxant than a “euphoric” high Potentially toxic _______ seed is usually what is “used”, but leaf, too

22 Beaked _______ Small-flowered __________ Note roundness or lack of for leaf tips

23 ____________ / Virginia water horehound Lycopus virginicus (USDA ) Strongly toothed but not lobed leaves… ____ odor Small flowers in clusters in leaf _____ CLASS: Magnoliopsida (dicot) FAMILY: Laminaceae (mint family) __________-stem

24 ___________________ Helianthus tuberosus CLASS: Magnoliopsida (dicot) FAMILY: Asteraceae (aster family) sunflower species

25 Jerusalem artichoke Helianthus tuberosus Grows 4-6 ft high (or higher) Very rough leaves and stem Upper-leaves – ___________ Lower leaves—___________

26 Species Highlights Ferns: Christmas Ebony spleenwort Cutleaf grapefern (__________) Autumn coralroot Roughleaf dogwood Bugleweed (Va. water horehound) Indian tobacco Jerusalem artichoke

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