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Needs Assessment Update or Why are you Making Us Do This Anyway?

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Presentation on theme: "Needs Assessment Update or Why are you Making Us Do This Anyway?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Needs Assessment Update or Why are you Making Us Do This Anyway?

2 Reminder: Due June 1  That’s only 33 days!  The Template(Appendix Q)  MYDAUS, interviews, focus groups, scans of business and media, and SWOT analysis  Program Selection(Appendix U)  Programs you intend to implement and why

3 From speaking to 20 of 23 Coalitions  Three-fourths think the time is too SHORT  Why?  Began late due to hiring delays  New coordinators need time to build relationships

4 Who is Working on Assessment?  One-half of coordinators doing it on their own  One-half have active coalitions  Two using student help

5 How are Tasks Delegated?  Let people volunteer on own  Ask for volunteers  Hold meetings to attract support  Assign specific tasks to people  Ask for help from school system  Develop mini-checklist of tasks for steering committee

6 Most Creative Idea  Assigned one model program to each member to research and report back to group!

7  Coordinators are new and feel need to build relationships before assigning tasks  Difficult to ask “volunteers” to do big jobs Biggest Challenges

8 Helpfulness of Process

9 Help Coalition To:  Get things done  Build relationships  Meet with people in community  Generate momentum  Expand awareness particularly with  Schools  Law enforcement

10 Help Coalition To (cont’d) :  Find out what people really think (focus groups)  Identify community priorities  Identify gaps  Look at data in new way using Guide  Get local school to do MYDAUS

11 Other Observations  It’s a pain in the rear  How do you get parents to participate  How do we avoid bombarding some (e.g., media who serve many communities)

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