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Shoot House Orientation CAPABILITIES two story enclosed shoot house constructed of ballistic steel lined with bullet absorbing rubber blocks consisting.

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2 Shoot House Orientation CAPABILITIES two story enclosed shoot house constructed of ballistic steel lined with bullet absorbing rubber blocks consisting of 11 rooms capable of supporting dry, blank, and live fire training reconfigurable foam furniture layouts environmental system to remove lead contaminants contains 32 cameras with microphones capable of capturing audio, light and no-light/IR operations speakers to broadcast battlefield effects, escalation of force, and command and control/safety instructions programmable Human Urban Targets (HUTs)

3 Shoot House Orientation CAPABILITIES portable free movable walls contains a separate building for storing and issuing ammunition After Actions Review (AAR) building with theater, which allows OC/MT and Commanders to view training in real time and review training footage with squad capable of providing CD/DVD take-home package panic buttons to initiate a cease fire glass house

4 Shoot House Orientation Glass House Details Full size replica of actual shoot house Gives trainer a 360 degree view of precision room clearing techniques

5 Shoot House Orientation CONTRACTOR SUPPORT contractor support is comprised of 3 personnel; the Team Lead and two technicians, all of which have electronics/information technology experience. capable of on-the-spot Direct Support (DS) level maintenance to preclude down time of training will help with technical aspects of running the shoot house and conducting AAR’s

6 Shoot House Orientation CONTRACTOR SUPPORT are facilitators not trainers have final decision authority over target placement have the authority to suspend training at any time are the only authorized personnel who can connect/disconnect Human Urban Targets (HUTs) are the only authorized personnel who can operate environmental system

7 Shoot House Orientation CERTIFICATION Range Officer in Charge (OIC) E-7 or above (or equivalent civilian rank) possess a FTIG Range Safety Card certified in writing by the Battalion Commander (O-5 or higher), civilian equivalent for CQC live fire training and all weapons utilized in the LFSH

8 Shoot House Orientation CERTIFICATION (cont) Range Safety Officer (RSO) E-6 or above (or equivalent civilian rank) possess a FTIG Range Safety Card certified in writing by the Battalion Commander (O-5 or higher), civilian equivalent for CQC live fire training and all weapons utilized in the LFSH

9 Shoot House Orientation CERTIFICATION (cont) Master Trainer (MT) no specified rank requirement (NCO preferred) possess a FTIG Range Safety Card certified in writing (Certification Letter) by the Battalion Commander (O-5 or higher), civilian equivalent for having one of the following qualifications successfully completed FTIG LFSH Trainer Course or equivalent have served as a OIC, RSO, or AI three or more times for previous LFSH exercises designated individual should be recognized by the commander as an SME

10 Shoot House Orientation PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS Range Officer in Charge (OIC) will have no other duties assigned and not be a member of a clearance team will establish and maintain C2 over guard detail will monitor training from control room Range Safety Officer (RSO) will have no other duties assigned and not be a member of a clearance team will monitor training from inside the LFSH will ensure weapons are clear and on safe prior to teams exiting the LFSH

11 Shoot House Orientation PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS Master Trainer (MT) will have no other duties assigned and not be a member of a clearance team will assist in monitoring training from either the control room or LFSH, but must remain on site at all times Assistant Instructors (AIs) will integrate themselves into clearance team composition will oversee immediate safety of the clearing team’s actions span of control for AIs will not exceed five shooters

12 Shoot House Orientation PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS Entry Control Point Guards will ensure no one enters the LFSH once an exercise has commenced will maintain communications with OIC will verify that weapons are clear and on safe upon personnel exiting the LFSH Certified Medic/EMT/CLS *can also serve as RTO Evacuation Vehicle Driver *can also serve as RTO Ammunition Supply point Personnel Trained Radio Operator (RTO)

13 Shoot House Orientation TEAM COMPOSITION Safety Personnel Requirements 10 Shooters conducting a single exercise using entire LFSH: 1 x RSO, 2 x AIs, 1 x MT (optional) – Total # of Personnel 14 10 x Shooters 2 x AIs 1 x RSO1 x MT (optional) *Note: MT must be on site, but can choose to locate in either the control room (w/OIC) or LSFH (w/ RSO) during the conduct of a live fire exercise

14 Shoot House Orientation TEAM COMPOSITION Safety Personnel Requirements 6 Shooters conducting a single exercise using entire LFSH: 1 x RSO, 2 x AIs, 1 x MT (optional) – Total # of Personnel 10 6 x Shooters 2 x AIs 1 x RSO1 x MT (optional) *Note: MT must be on site, but can choose to locate in either the control room (w/OIC) or LSFH (w/ RSO) during the conduct of a live fire exercise

15 Shoot House Orientation WEAPONS & AMMUNITION AUTHORIZED Weapons pistols through 45 cal rifles- M4, M16 series, AR-15, or equivalent M249 SAW and Shotguns are Prohibited Ammunition (CL V) standard ball ammunition for rifles and pistols blank ammunition for all weapons authorized in LFSH Close Combat Mission Capability Kit (CCMCK) ammunition non- flame, heat, blast, or fragmentation producing distraction devices tracer rounds, pyrotechnics, RCA, & commercial paint balls are Prohibited

16 Shoot House Orientation AMMUNITION STORAGE ammunition will be stored in the ammo storage building (one ½ of the building will be used for blank the other ½ for live) we will allow you to have an issue point outside the two entry points into the shoot house (no loose ammo, loaded magazines only, and ammo must remain off the ground & covered) live & blank ammunition will not be stored together nor issued at the same time (blank iterations must be complete and all rounds accounted for before transitioning to live ammunition training)

17 Shoot House Orientation BREACHING the only authorized breaching tools are Rams & Sledge Hammers explosive and ballistic breaching is Prohibited six interior doors have been reinforced to support breaching operations (these are the only doors authorized for breaching) units may temporarily replace interior existing doors with pre-fabricated materials intended for destruction units are responsible for any damage as a result of negligence or unnecessary abuse of the facility Mechanical breaching is the only authorized type of breaching.

18 Shoot House Orientation TARGET PLACEMENT Target placement is paramount to the safe and effective support of a training scenario. It is essential that the RSO, Master Trainer, and Contractors conduct a thorough dry run of the scenario and “what ifs” of all the engagements. The OIC will validate these findings. Contractors have final approval authority for target placement.

19 Shoot House Orientation RULES FOR TARGET PLACEMENT each round must strike the LFSH facility rubber walls no rounds should ricochet or exit the facility no rounds should strike the floor, ceiling, lights, duct work, or cameras no targets can be engaged from the second floor down the stairs to the first floor targets should be placed in the middle of walls, at normal human height, at an angle of fire no less than 20 degrees, and in position where rounds will not directly strike corners or door frames do not place targets in areas where the wall is heavily saturated with bullet holes do not place hostile targets behind one another; spread them out

20 Shoot House Orientation RULES FOR TARGET PLACEMENT do not place targets in positions that will create cross fire use threat and non-threat targets in conjunction with one another in order to eliminate potential problems, furniture placement in relationship to targets should be considered do not leave spare targets in the training areas; keep them in the outer hall ways (this will prevent an accidental engagement of a target)

21 Shoot House Orientation RICOCHET HAZARDS & AREAS OF CONCERN Ricochet Hazards floors, ceilings, door frames, & corners of rooms target stands & rolling bullet trap frames steel guide rails for ballistic doors Areas of Concern outer hallways of the facility, wooden doors engagements with less than a 20* angle from targets stairway engagements

22 Shoot House Orientation GENERAL SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS no live fire of any type will be conducted on the approach to the LFSH no live fire will be conducted from any exterior locations into the LFSH entry throughout LFSH is through doors, no over the wall operations are authorized to include shooting over the tops of walls weapons will remain clear and on safe while outside the shoot house weapons will remain on safe at all times, except when actively engaging targets only shooters and safety personnel are permitted in the shoot house during live fire

23 Shoot House Orientation GENERAL SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS at no time will users shoot into floors, ceilings, doors or door frames target by-pass procedures will be identified to teams and controllers during rehearsals and reiterated prior to live fire do not fire above the orange no-fire line firing weapons will only be done at designated targets all weapons will be cleared and on safe at the end of each live fire exercise pedestrian traffic outside the shoot house will be minimized during live fire training all shooters will abide by the one-meter rule

24 Shoot House Orientation GENERAL SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS prior to each entry into the facility, the OIC or RSO will conduct a walk-through of the facility to ensure that no unauthorized personnel are present, the environmental system is running and all conditions are safe all targets must be checked to ensure they fit the scenario and are placed so that all rounds hit into pre-designate impact areas, avoiding possible ricochet damage to interior walls should be reported immediately to Range Control and corrected before training resumes the RSO must ensure that all the interior ballistic doors are closed immediately after team enters the facility for live fire training

25 Shoot House Orientation GENERAL SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS it is recommended that all personnel using the shoot house wash their hands and face after leaving the shoot house, especially before eating or drinking anything sweeping is prohibited inside the shoot house due to the exposure of lead dust users are required to utilize a signal clearly heard/seen and understood by all to “Cease Fire”; anyone can also initiate a “Cease Fire” by pressing one of the red emergency panic buttons located on the walls near each exit door Emergency Panic Button

26 Shoot House Orientation GENERAL SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS everyone inside the shoot house is required to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), i.e. ballistic spectacles, hearing protection, body armor (w/plates), and helmet (ACH) Ballistic Spectacles Helmet Body Armor w/plates Gloves (optional) Hearing Protection

27 Shoot House Orientation GENERAL SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS OIC’s/RSO’s must have an evacuation plan in case of fire in the shoot house OIC’s/RSO’s must have a plan in the event of a power outage (lights will go out in the shoot house = 0% visibility) All exit points, to include the AAR building, will be kept free from any equipment

28 Shoot House Orientation CONDUCT OF TRAINING all prerequisite training complete (IWQ, SRM. Urban Ops STX) no alterations to Range 32 shoot house configuration is authorized targets are placed in rooms to evaluate fire discipline targets can be intermixed with hostile element and or neutral noncombatants; rules of engagement will emphasize discriminate fires “out of play” areas will be identified by placing the green “out of play” canvas directly over the door frame risk management worksheet needs to be on site at all times; it must be integrated into the exercise plans and be part of the unit operation order for the live fire exercise

29 Shoot House Orientation CONDUCT OF TRAINING the following is a minimum sequence of training events that should be followed for the LFSH: (1) The OIC, RSO and AI’s will conduct a rehearsal. Each training team/squad will conduct at least one dry fire iteration and should conduct one blank fire iteration prior to conducting a live fire iteration. (2) The practice will be repeated until the OIC and RSO are satisfied with the clearing teams proficiency. (3) The OIC and RSO will then oversee the conduct of the live fire exercise and critique.

30 Shoot House Orientation CONDUCT OF TRAINING Limited Visibility Training limited visibility training is approved on a case by case basis by the first O6 in the unit/organization’s chain of command limited visibility fires must be addressed in the unit/organization’s risk management plan unit/organizations must complete a limited visibility SRM training exercise prior to conducting limited visibility training in the LFSH

31 Shoot House Orientation range clean up is the using units responsibility and for safety reasons will not be neglected wear disposable rubber gloves put everything back where you found it & pick up all brass and debris report any damage to the facility or its contents to Range Control/LFSH contractors complete a final walk through of the facility, to include the latrine, to ensure it is in the same condition that you received it once completed, the LFSH contractors will conduct a pre-clearance of the LFSH; if everything is within standards, you will then contact Range Control to clear you from the LFSH RANGE CLEAN UP INSTRUCTIONS

32 Shoot House Orientation AUTHORIZED PARKING AREAS The only vehicles authorized to park within the swing gate, at designated parking areas, is the ambulance, C2, and ammunition vehicle. All others vehicles will park outside the gate at the designated parking area. Ambulance C2 Vehicle Ammo Vehicle All Other Vehicles

33 Shoot House Orientation GENERAL RULES no food, drinks, or tobacco products permitted in the shoot house or AAR building no weapons authorized in the AAR building; weapons racks are located on the outside no personnel, other than the OIC, authorized in the control room smoking is authorized only in designated smoking areas the switch and utility rooms at the shoot house are off limits the garage is off limits do not touch the cameras in the shoot house

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