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 We are planning to present this story with power point presentations and explaining each part by acting or using muppets.

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2  We are planning to present this story with power point presentations and explaining each part by acting or using muppets.

3 The little farmer lives in a town of rich farmers. He has always wanted a cow so he decides to create a fake wooden one. He leaves his cow with cowherd who abandons him in the fields when he will not return with the rest of the cows; it cannot move of course because it is made of wood. The little farmer finds out that the cowherd abandoned his cow, and the two backtrack to the spot only to discover the wooden cow missing. The little farmer sues the cowherd and gets a real cow for the fake wooden one. He is still extremely poor and cannot afford to feed it. So he kills the cow and skins it. On his way to market to sell the skin, he finds a raven that he wraps up in the cow skin. It starts to rain so he seeks shelter in a mill; the miller’s wife offers him bread and cheese. Then the little farmer pretends to go to sleep.

4 Another man arrives with whom the fairy tale implies the miller’s wife is having an affair with (all very Canterbury-esque). She offers him wine, salad, cakes, and roast meat. This annoys the little farmer who was only offered bread and cheese. They do not get too far in their adulterous affair when the miller arrives home. The miller’s wife hides all the food in different parts of the house and the male lover in the closet. She tells her husband all they have is bread and cheese for dinner. The husband learns about the little farmer and decides to wake him up because he wants company. While talking, the husband wanders about the cow-skin wrapped crow. The little farmer convinces him the crow tells fortunes. He predicts that the miller will find wine under the pillow, roast meat in the oven, and salad and cakes under the bed. They enjoy the hearty meal. Then the little farmer asks for three hundred dollars from the man for just one more prophecy; the little farmer predicts that the man will find a demon in his closet. The miller finds the lover in the closet who runs out from the room.

5 The next day, the other farmers want to know where the little farmer came by so much money. He tells them that he sold his calf’s skin for three hundred dollars. The other farmers rush home to slaughter their cows and sell their skins at such a high price only to find the skin-buyer offering standard three dollars per a skin, which then gets lowered because of the glut in the market. The farmers grow angry at being deceived and bring the little farmer to trial. His punishment is to be bundled up in a cask and rolled down into the lake. While waiting to be pushed into the water, the little farmer notices the shepherd walking by who has always wanted to become a bailiff. He tells the shepherd that the town wants to make him bailiff if the little farmer will sit in the cask, but he doesn’t want to do it. The shepherd sensing opportunity is happy to oblige. The other farmers arrive and roll the shepherd off into the lake.

6 Later, they find the little farmer still alive and driving a flock of sheep. They want to know how he survived. He explains to them that after he sank to the bottom of the river, he burst from the cask and found a meadow filled with plenty of sheep grazing. The farmers in their greed believe him, hoping to gain free sheep for themselves they jump into the lake. All of them drown. The little farmer inherits all the property in the village and becomes a rich man.


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