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Quality requirements EMOS RESEARCH TO COLLECT EVIDENCE BEFORE ANYTHING Benchmark against good existing model, e.g. European Masters in Translation, European.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality requirements EMOS RESEARCH TO COLLECT EVIDENCE BEFORE ANYTHING Benchmark against good existing model, e.g. European Masters in Translation, European."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality requirements EMOS RESEARCH TO COLLECT EVIDENCE BEFORE ANYTHING Benchmark against good existing model, e.g. European Masters in Translation, European Master in Demography Needs analysis in European context (questionnaire) Link to European focused competence frameworks and CoP Emerging new issues should be part of quality plan Accreditation according to rules of country (using university network) Governance – set up a committee (internal and external) Develop a process to show impact of MSc (helps to show the return on investment when individuals and businesses are paying for people to attend) Use good national practice but make sure that the Euro element runs through all of it High level stakeholder engagement to champion the benefits of studying EMOS (academic and receiving end)

2 Ideas for content Open to all analytical students Need to define European scope in right way Modular approach (country case studies) Combine internship and thesis Joint delivery eg academic and statistical experts from govt Include an element for communicating statistics effectively with users eg policy makers, media, public, ie at the European dimension

3 Framework for EMOS: network of Universities + NSI’s Basic knowledge (fundamental courses) -Sampling techniques -Mathematical Statistics -Programming skills -Economics / Demography / Sociology Specialised topics -Meet the needs of for example NSI’s -Traineeship / case studies (emerging new issues), collaboration with NSI’s CORE of European Master in Official Statistics European dimension (legislation, policy, standards, emerging needs, link to European policy making, harmonisation) Official Statistics: advanced survey methodology and data collection (nonresponse, small domain estimation, data integration, merging data sets) In country of residence Possibly in other than residence country

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