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Plant Operations Kennesaw State University. Recycling Aluminum, Plastic, Glass, Cooking Oil, Batteries Cardboard Glycol Tires Motor Oil Paper Scrap Metal.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Operations Kennesaw State University. Recycling Aluminum, Plastic, Glass, Cooking Oil, Batteries Cardboard Glycol Tires Motor Oil Paper Scrap Metal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Operations Kennesaw State University

2 Recycling Aluminum, Plastic, Glass, Cooking Oil, Batteries Cardboard Glycol Tires Motor Oil Paper Scrap Metal Florescent tubes

3 Integrated Pest Management Biological controls Habitat modification Cultural controls Use of pesticides as a last resort

4 No Idling Policy Concentrating on delivery and work vehicles

5 LEED Certifications Prillaman Health Science Gold The CommonsGold Social SciencesSilver Science Lab Addition Silver pending 2 LEED buildings under construction: Student Recreation Center Education wing of Kennesaw Hall

6 Green Cleaning 23 % of buildings LEED green cleaning Green products used in the majority of campus buildings

7 Alternate Fuels/Energy Sources 3 bi fuel vehicles (approx 4%) 90% emergency generators are natural gas not diesel Sub Metered 68% of buildings 2012

8 Energy Use 2007-2012

9 Holiday Energy Savings

10 All efforts count toward change “Why do we focus on certain things at the expense of others? We will risk our lives to save a person from drowning, yet not make a donation that could save a dozen children from starvation. We install solar panels when their impact on CO2 emissions is minimal-and indeed may have a negative net effect if manufacturing and installation are taken into account- rather than contributing to more efficient infrastructure projects….reasoning is less powerful than instinct.” Graeme Simsion The Rosie Project

11 Questions? Jodie Sweat Kennesaw State University Director of Plant Operations 770/423-6224

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