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The challenge of global environmental monitoring Gilberto Câmara, Director General National Institute for Space Research (INPE) Brazil China Brasil High.

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Presentation on theme: "The challenge of global environmental monitoring Gilberto Câmara, Director General National Institute for Space Research (INPE) Brazil China Brasil High."— Presentation transcript:

1 The challenge of global environmental monitoring Gilberto Câmara, Director General National Institute for Space Research (INPE) Brazil China Brasil High Level Dialogue ST, 2011

2 We need cooperation at a global level… By the year 2050... 9 billion people: 6 billion tons of GHG and 60 million tons of urban pollutants. Resource-hungry: We will withdraw 30% of available fresh water. Risky living: 80% urban areas, 25% near earthquake faults, 2% in coast lines less than 1 m above sea level. source: Guy Brasseur

3 The food challenge

4 Changes in dietary patterns: Meat consumption FAOSTAT 2007

5 The food challenge: technology gaps

6 Productivity and prices: the challenge source: The Economist

7 Forests and food production: potential conflicts

8 Best environmental monitoring 46% of energy is renewable Brazil: a natural knowledge economy Best technology in biofuels World leader in tropical agriculture

9 Nature, 29 July 2010

10 Agriculture Energy Ecosystems Climate change Weather and natural disasters Space technology adds value to Brazil´s natural knowledge economy Megacities

11 Monitoring Deforestation in Amazonia CBERS image Science (27 April 2007): “ Brazil´s monitoring system is the envy of the world ”. Deforestation Degradation

12 Governance + markets + technology >> REDD+ Reducing deforestation in Amazonia

13 Sugarcane crop mapping Detailed estimates of sugarcane crop areas

14 14 Are biofuels replacing food production in Brazil? source: INPE

15 Sugarcane expansion

16 Data is coming... are we ready? Sentinel-2A 2012 Amazônia-1 2013 20142015 2011 Landsat-8 CBERS-3 ResourceSat-2 ResourceSat-3 Sentinel-2B CBERS-4

17 CBERS as a global satellite CBERS ground stations will cover most of the Earth’s land mass between 30 0 N and 30 0 S Cuiabá Boa Vista Chetumal Maspalomas Aswa n Jo´burg Malindi Gabon Urumchi Miyun Ghuangzhou Darwin Alice Springs Bangcoc

18 The future of CBERS CBERS satellites will provide information about global land change on the tropics

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