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Trench Warfare.

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1 Trench Warfare

2 Objectives: Students will... 92. Define trench warfare.
93. Define no-man’s-land. 94. Describe the poor conditions soldiers faced in trench warfare.


4 Objective 92: Define trench warfare.
Caused by Germany’s Schlieffen Plan New style of fighting by positioning soldiers in deep ditches for protection

5 Objective 92: Define trench warfare.
Rather than being a quick conflict, Allied and Centrals Powers “dug in” for trench warfare for most of the war, causing slow and painful results


7 93. Define no-man’s-land. Trenches separated by no-man’s land – land between trenches filled with landmines, and barbed wire

8 Layout of Trenches



11 94. Describe the poor conditions soldiers faced in trench warfare.
• No shelter from weather • Boredom • Dangerous to go “over the top” to attack the enemy • Grenades and other explosives could be hurled or launched into your trench • Disease/poor sanitation • Lice • Rats • Trench foot • Difficult to get in/out

12 Body Lice

13 Trench Rats

14 Trench Foot



17 Any questions?

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