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Credit.  Credit rating  Range: 300-850  higher is better  Most lenders base approval on scores FICO Percentage Breakdown.

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1 Credit

2  Credit rating  Range: 300-850  higher is better  Most lenders base approval on scores FICO Percentage Breakdown

3 One free credit report per year from each of the three credit reporting agencies Experian: Equifax: TransUnion: Provides free reports for Transunion & Equifax







10  More loan opportunities  Increased borrowing limits  Higher approval for renting  Reflects well for employment opportunities  Lower interest rates

11 Credit Scores Effect on Interest Rates

12 The Road to 850: Proven Strategies for Increasing Your FICO Credit Scores by Bingham Eight Steps to Seven figures by Carlson Getting Rich in America by Liberman and Lavine The Millionaire Mind by Stanley The Millionaire Next Door by Stanley & Danko The Automatic Millionaire by Bach TIAA-CREF TIAA-CREF "Investing for your Future" Home Study Course Extension Personal Finance Site RCE Money and Investing Site Investor Education Foundation Choose to Save Save and Invest My Money (Federal Government Site) Poverty in the US Kiplinger

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