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Lessons Learned Inclusive Emergency Management November 20, 2013.

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1 Lessons Learned Inclusive Emergency Management November 20, 2013

2 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 2 What is the “Whole Community” Concept?  Focus on enabling participation in emergency management activities from a wider range of players from the private and non profit sectors, as well as a wide range of individual, diverse community members, in conjunction with participation of Federal, state, Tribal and local government partners.  Non-governmental organizations  Private companies  Individual citizens – including those who are often underrepresented or excluded  Agencies that serve individuals who are often underrepresented or excluded

3 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 Disability Types  Mobility  Cognitive or Intellectual  Mental Health  Hearing  Vision  Speech  Health Maintenance 3

4 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 4 What is an Access or Functional Need?  Individuals with needs that can be accommodated with actions, services, equipment and modifications including physical/architectural, programmatic, and communications modifications.  Some individuals with access and functional needs have legal protections including, but not limited to, the right to freedom from discrimination based on race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), sex, familial status, age, disability and economic status.

5 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 CMIST Framework for Needs Identification  Communication  Maintaining Health  Independence  Safety, Support services and Self Determination  Transportation 5

6 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 6 The number of Americans with disabilities is greater than the combined population of the 75 largest US cities

7 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 7 Illinois Census Snapshot  People with disabilities make up 11.6% of the population  People over 65 make up 13.2% of the population  People under 18 years make up 23.8% of the population  Foreign born persons make up 13.7% of the population  People who speak a language other than English at home make up 22% of the population  Persons living below the poverty level make up 13.1% of the population  14,055 people experiencing homelessness (depending on the definition used - Chicago Alliance to End Homelessness)

8 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 8 The number of people with disabilities in Illinois is greater than the population of Springfield and everything below it.

9 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 9 Service Delivery Systems  Networks of organizations provide services to people with access and functional needs in the community on a daily basis.  Many fields of service (children, veterans, people with disabilities, seniors, criminal justice, etc)  Services are provided by  Public/governmental agencies  Nonprofit agencies  Private Sector agencies  Associations of individuals, volunteers, family members

10 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 FEMA Disability Inclusive Objectives  Provide guidance, tools, methods, and strategies to integrate and coordinate emergency management efforts that meet the needs of people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs.  Within FEMA  In collaboration with State, Local, Tribal and territorial partners  Promoting individual and community preparedness by working with community groups 10

11 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 11  2010 - Established the Office of Disability Integration and Coordination  2010-2011 – Established Regional Disability Integration Specialists within the 10 FEMA Regions  2010-2011 - Getting Real Inclusive Emergency Management conferences  2011 - RDIS Disaster Deployments  2010 - 2011 – Memorandums of Agreement with NCIL and NDRN  National Contracts FEMA Overview

12 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 Recent FEMA Activities  Note on planning and relationship building  Subject Matter Expert cadre development and training  Sign Language Interpreters  Training and technical assistance- internal and external  Integrated neighborhood task forces  Integration within grant initiatives – Disaster Case Management  Integration within Federal Disaster Recovery Initiatives 12

13 Jessica Mitchell October, 2012 Contact Information Jessica Mitchell Regional Disability Integration Specialist FEMA Region V 312-408-5499 (Office) 312-576-2624 (Cell) 13


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