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The End of World War I The Silence was Deafening.

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Presentation on theme: "The End of World War I The Silence was Deafening."— Presentation transcript:

1 The End of World War I The Silence was Deafening

2 Russia Pulls Out of War Communists under V.I. Lenin take over Russia signs Treaty of Brest- Litovsk - a peace treaty with Central Powers

3 Battle of the Somme - March 1918 Germany feels it has one last chance Major attack on France to capture Paris Allies stop it 30 miles away 250,000 casualties for Germany, slightly lower for Allies in 3 days

4 Allies on the Attack By July, 1918 the US had 1 million fresh troops in France Allies have momentum and push western front towards Germany

5 The End for Germany German citizens have food riots and strikes Soldiers begin to desert Kaiser Wilhelm II is forced to leave the throne 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, Germany signs an armistice (truce)

6 Serbian refugees fleeing with their belongings

7 Canadian soldier lighting German prisoner's cigarette, Passchendaele, Nov, 1917

8 Canadian engineers rebuilding bridge destroyed by retreating Germans

9 German prisoners in a French camp

10 Germans camped in a trench

11 Russian Poles searching the ashes of their former home

12 German mail call

13 German soldiers in Antwerp feeding orphans

14 British soldiers blinded by gas attack

15 British stretcher bearers near Bossinghe, 1 Aug 1917 (Pilckem Ridge/Passchendaele)

16 US 1st Army Post Band (Colored) - Souilly. France, 1918

17 US 364th Infantry, homecoming parade, Los Angeles, CA, 22 Apr 1919

18 French children watching advancing column of 101st Ammunition Train, Soulosse, 10 Apr 1918

19 "Combat is a drag!" Men of the US 27th Division trying on the latest fashions, Oudezeele, 8 Aug 1918

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