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THE WAY AHEAD TO QUEEN’S Admissions – Next Steps.

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1 THE WAY AHEAD TO QUEEN’S Admissions – Next Steps

2 DECISIONS ON APPLICATIONS  Many UCAS applicants have by now received an offer for a course  Some applicants may have received decisions on all applications – but if not, do not panic  Universities aim to have most decisions made by 31 March but the deadline for decisions is 7 May (for applications received by 15 January)

3 REPLYING TO YOUR OFFERS  You can make one of three replies to your offers:  Firm Choice (i.e. Conditional Firm – ‘CF’)  Insurance Choice (i.e. Conditional Insurance – ‘CI’)  Decline  You are allowed to hold up to two offers - a firm choice (CF) and an insurance choice (CI)

4 YOUR REPLIES – THINK CAREFULLY  FIRM CHOICE (CF) Your preferred course You are committed to this choice Be realistic  INSURANCE CHOICE (CI) Backup plan (i.e. lower target grades) You must be happy to study this course

5 WHEN TO REPLY  If you receive all your decisions by 31 March you are expected to reply to UCAS by 6 May  If you receive all your decisions by 7 May you are expected to reply to UCAS by 4 June  UCAS will advise you of the date by which you must reply  You do not have to reply to offers until you receive all decisions – do not feel pressurised to do so REPLY TO OFFERS USING UCAS TRACK

6 AFTER YOU REPLY  If you are holding an offer at Queen’s you will be sent information in late June or early July Web-based information on:  Publication of decisions – QUB website  Procedures for August/September  Accommodation  Tuition Fees  Enrolment and Registration  Welcome and Orientation The Enquiry Form Useful contacts

7 CONFIRMATION OF OFFERS: AUGUST  Queen’s will receive A-level, Irish Leaving Cert, and BTEC exam results from UCAS  Status = accept, unsuccessful or pending  If unsuccessful for your CF choice and accepted for your CI choice you are placed on your CI course  If both CF and CI choices are unsuccessful you will be eligible for Clearing QUEEN’S POSTS DECISIONS ON ITS WEBSITE

8 PROCEDURES IN AUGUST  If an applicant precisely meets or exceeds the conditions of their offer they will be accepted  If accepted the online AS12 form must be completed  Decisions on average-out and borderline grades are held pending availability of places and the grades achieved in any relevant subjects

9 CLEARING  Clearing commences mid-July  Eligibility:  very late candidates  those who are holding no offers for whatever reason  those unsuccessful for CF and CI choices in August  Clearing vacancies declared mid-August Note that entry requirements will still need to be met  Information available from newspapers, UCAS website and university websites

10 Contacting us: Anna Bell Admissions and Access Service Lanyon North Queen’s University Belfast BT7 1NN Tel: 028 9097 3838 Fax: 028 9097 5151 E-Mail: WWW:

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