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Jeopardy! Arthurian Legends Info Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur Literary Terms $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Archetypes.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy! Arthurian Legends Info Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur Literary Terms $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Archetypes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy! Arthurian Legends Info Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur Literary Terms $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy Archetypes

2 $100 Answer: Arthurian Legends Background Info Honor, loyalty, and bravery are all important aspects of this knightly code.

3 $100 Question from Knight Characters What is the code of chivalry?

4 $200 Answer from Arthurian Legends Background Info This was a traditional relationship of reverent admiration that a knight might express for his queen.

5 $200 Question from Arthurian Legends Background Info What is courtly love?

6 $300 Answer from Arthurian Legends Background Info This is the country other than Great Britain where many Arthurian legends originated, including those featuring Sir Launcelot. Hint: Part of our story takes place here.

7 $300 Question from Arthurian Legends Background Info What is France?

8 $400 Answer from Arthurian Legends Background Info These are the invaders that the “historic” Arthur fought against.

9 $400 Question from Arthurian Legends Background Info Who are the Saxons and Angles?

10 $500 Answer from Arthurian Legends Background Info This genre differs from myth in that it has a basis in historical fact, although it often contains exaggerated, magical, or supernatural elements.

11 $500 Question from Arthurian Legends Background Info What is a legend?

12 $100 Answer from Archetypes The three broad categories of archetypes are: character, situation, and this category which includes shapes, numbers, colors, and even animals.

13 $100 Question from Archetypes What is imagery?

14 $200 Answer from Archetypes King Arthur, Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, and Odysseus can all be classified as this character archetype.

15 $200 Question from Archetypes What is the hero?

16 $300 Answer from Archetypes This animal, in Biblical, mythological, and legendary stories, represents insidious evil, destruction, and temptation.

17 $300 Question from Archetypes What is the snake?

18 $400 Answer from Archetypes The historian Joseph Campbell wrote a book describing this archetypal cycle, literally the “one story,” describing the hero’s journey. Use the prefix for “one” and the root word for “made up story that explains something.”

19 $400 Question from Archetypes What is the Monomyth?

20 $500 Answer from Archetypes Psychoanalyst Carl Jung said that archetypes are the product of this, a universal pool of human knowledge and experience. Use the word for “a group of something” and the word for “what we call someone who is asleep or nonresponsive.”

21 $500 Question from Archetypes What is the collective unconscious?

22 $100 Answer for Le Morte d’Arthur This number, symbolic of natural and elemental harmony, is also the number of queens Sir Launcelot encountered in the woods. Not one, two, or three, but…

23 $100 Question from Le Morte D’Arthur What is FOUR?

24 $200 Answer from Le Morte d’Arthur This wizard was a close advisor to King Arthur and to his father Uther before him. He’s the only wizard in the story.

25 $200 Question Le Morte d’Arthur Who is Merlin?

26 $300 Answer from Le Morte d’Arthur This is the knight who finally throws Excalibur in the lake.

27 $300 Question from Le Morte d’Arthur Who is Sir Bedivere?

28 $400 Answer for Le Morte d’Arthur This archetypal villain and traitor was the illegitimate son of Arthur and his half-sister Morgause. He hits on the Queen and tries to get her to marry him.

29 $400 Question from Le Morte d’Arthur Who is Mordred?

30 $500 Answer from Le Morte d’Arthur This is the enchanted, heavenly island where the queens take Arthur to heal his wounds.

31 $500 Question from Le Morte d’Arthur What is Avalon?

32 his $100 Answer from Literary Terms This the literary genre that tries to explain the origins of life, evil, natural phenomena, etc. They are passed down through the generations and typically do not have a specific historic basis.

33 $100 Question from Literary Terms What is a myth?

34 $200 Answer from Literary Terms This is the genre of poetry that Tennyson’s Idylls of the King (that is the stories of the Holy Grail and those of Merlin among others) and Malory’s Le Morte d’ Arthur fall into. The Odyssey also fits into this category.

35 $200 Question from Literary Terms What is epic?

36 $300 Answer from Literary Terms An example of this is the fact that Sir Thomas Malory wrote his tales of chivalrous, heroic knights while incarcerated.

37 $300 Question from Literary Terms What is irony?

38 $400 Answer from Literary Terms The “BIG IDEA” in a work of literature: In “The Tale of King Arthur,” for example, it could be stated as: “One cannot escape one’s destiny;” or, “nobility and kindness are their own rewards.”

39 $400 Question from Literary Terms What is theme?

40 $500 Question from Literary Terms What is a dynamic character?

41 Final Jeopardy

42 Final Jeopardy Question In Le Morte d’ Arthur this is the knight (also Arthur’s nephew) who visits Arthur in a dream to warn him about fighting Modred.

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