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1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Update & Charge to CFAC Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources, NSLS-II Project Director.

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Presentation on theme: "1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Update & Charge to CFAC Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources, NSLS-II Project Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Update & Charge to CFAC Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources, NSLS-II Project Director Conventional Facilities Advisory Committee Nov 9-10, 2009

2 2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Safety First! Every staff member, contractor, user, and guest has the right to go home at the end of the day without suffering injury or illness due to his or her work environment It's not about the numbers, it's about people The consequences of failure to maintain a safe workplace could be severe: personal injury, illness, or death loss of funding loss of reputation and credibility with stakeholders fiscal penalties and criminal enforcement actions If we cannot do work safely, we will not do it

3 3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Safety Record Over 650,000 NSLS-II staff hours worked to date and one recordable injury 3/10/09Splinter and infection from brushing against a wooden crate. Recordable injury but no lost time. Over 64,000 contractor hours worked to date (construction start 3/25/09) Torcon subcontractors have incurred 7 injuries since starting construction 4/16/09Missed a step on a ladder and fell (standing up) from the fourth rung. Fractured heal. DART. 7/16/09Placing a conduit elbow on a pallet, conduit flipped up and chipped tooth. Recordable injury, no lost time. 8/5/09Scratched arm on tiewire. First Aid Case. 8/13/09Temporary intermittent numbness in forearm. First Aid Case. 9/2/09Scratched arm on rebar. First Aid Case. 9/28/09Muscle strain in leg from walking. First Aid Case. 9/30/09Rebar impacted leg, compound fracture. Investigation underway. DART.

4 4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II 9/30/09 Accident Investigation Team Membership: Ray Costa, F&O (Chair)D. Fuller, ORNL T. Conrad, S&HSDB. Tullis (consultant) S. Kane, S&HSDC. Seniuk, DOE BHSO (Observer) E. Sierra, QMOJ. Zamirowski, DOE CH (Observer) S. Kessler, QMO C. Morrow, DOE CH (Observer) Charge: The investigation should address: 1.Investigation of the leg injury incident a.Adequacy of the BNL and Torcon response b.Development of causal factors analysis and corrective recommendations c.Any added investigation, if warranted 2.Review of adequacy of contractual safety requirements and safety incentive program a.Does the contract with Torcon have appropriate requirements? b.Is the safety incentive program appropriately structured and designed to promote worker safety? 3.Review of implementation of the construction safety program a.Adequacy of Torcon safety plan implementation and flow down to subcontractors b.Adequacy of BNL oversight of Torcon safety program c.Recommendations to improve overall construction site safety Began work on Thursday, Oct 1 Report Draft due Oct 23; Final due Nov 13

5 5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Unacceptable Level of Injuries at BNL Well house explosion on October 13, 2008 ATF fire on Feb 18, 2009 NSLS-II construction injury on September 30, 2009 Worker received broken leg, required surgery Building 1005 injury on October 9, 2009 Worker fell, required surgery on both knees Building 801 injury on October 23, 2009 Worker fell, required multiple stitches We must redouble our efforts to work safely

6 6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Start of Construction Celebration From left to right: BHSO Manager Mike Holland, Stony Brook President Shirley Strum Kenny, NSLS-II Federal Project Director Frank Crescenzo, NSLS-II Project Director Steve Dierker, DOE Deputy Director for Science Pat Dehmer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator Charles Schumer, BNL Director Sam Aronson, Battelle Executive Vice President Ron Townsend June 15, 2009

7 7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Photo From BGRR Stack 11-3-09 SR Tunnel Slab SR Tunnel Walls Vehicle Tunnel Column Footings Construction Site Work Underway

8 8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Central Chilled Water Facility Expansion Sub-basement/Pipe pit CHW Expansion Basement Existing CHW Plant Finished Concrete of Basement Mat (10/23/09) Chilled Water Plant Expansion Adds 5 bays to existing 4 bay chiller and two 2500 ton chillers $15.3M Contract shared between BNL & NSLS-II Scheduled to complete December 2010

9 9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Procurements Magnet Procurements (840 magnets at $18M) 240 Quadrupole Magnets: Awarded Sep 23 to Everson Tesla and Budker 180 Corrector Magnets: Awarded Oct 8 to Everson Tesla 270 Sextupole Magents: Awarded Oct 14 to IHEP and Danfysik 90 Large Aperture Magnets: Awarded Oct 19 to Buckley 60 Dipole Magnets: Awarded Oct 27 to Buckley Linac Planned issue date to industry – November 6 Lab Office Building Planned issue date to industry – December 11 Booster Planned issue date to industry - December 28 1000 requisitions/change orders processed in FY2009 for a total of $193M

10 10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Project Beamline Conceptual Designs Hard X-ray Nanoprobe Beamline X-ray Powder Diffraction Beamline Conceptual designs completed for six project beamlines Safety reviews have been completed Independent Conceptual Design Review held on October 13-14, 2009, to assess the status and adequacy of the beamline designs

11 11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress on NSLS-II Staffing Total hires now at 212 23 Open Requisitions with 3 offers in process FY09: 2500 job apps received, 200 interviews conducted, 77 accepted offers Conventional Facilities & Project Management hiring ~ complete Steady increase in Accelerator Systems and Experimental Facilities staff 212 Staff Today 80 Staff at 9/07 139 Staff at 9/08 20 Staff at 9/06

12 12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Funding NSLS-II TEC = $791M TPC = $912M Note: Operations & MIE funding are not part of TPC


14 14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Schedule and Critical Path Need careful & thorough planning on installation & commissioning

15 15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Recent & Upcoming Project Reviews Experimental Facilities Conceptual Design Review on Oct 13-14 Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee meeting on Oct 22-23 Conventional Facilities Advisory Committee meeting on Nov 9-10 EVMS self assessment on November 16-18 Project Advisory Committee meeting on Dec 10-11 DOE review on Feb 9-11 Focus likely on Safety and Schedule

16 16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Charge to CFAC Are the Conventional Facilities Division’s plans and performance consistent with achieving the cost, schedule, technical, and safety objectives for the Project? Are the plans and measures to assure construction worker safety appropriate and effective at minimizing potential for worker injury? Does the plan for procurement and management of the LOB construction provide the best available approach to achieving this scope element? Does the Conventional Facilities Division’s preliminary plan to support transition to operations address the proper issues and scope of supporting facility operations and future growth?

17 17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES A Bright Future – but only if we work safely

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