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Pers pecti ve. a particular attitude towards something; a point of view.

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Presentation on theme: "Pers pecti ve. a particular attitude towards something; a point of view."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pers pecti ve

2 a particular attitude towards something; a point of view


4 What are some perspectives that you have? What do you think about: -Strangers -The poor -Other cultures -Insects -…

5 Could you start a culture of kindness in your local community? And change people’s everyday perspective.



8 Could we change the perspective of our communities – even for a week? Could we start a culture of kindness where people are looking for ‘kind’ things to do for one another?


10 Could we create a temporary change in the school culture where people do kind things for one another?

11 The actions of one person can have a BIG effect!

12 How could we pay it forward?

13 Sometimes it just feels good to give

14 Come up with an effective plan in your groups. Make a list of some acts of kindness you could do for others this week?

15 Perspective is just the way we see things…this can be changed

16 How could you enroll others in this so that they go forward and treat someone else with a random act of kindness?


18 See if it can go right round the school or your local community and back to you again.

19 Happiness doesn’t have to be a certain way.

20 This is your assignment for the week We look forward to hearing your stories this time next week


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