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Peace Humanity. Peace What is it? Where is it? What Can YOU do to Make Peace?

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Presentation on theme: "Peace Humanity. Peace What is it? Where is it? What Can YOU do to Make Peace?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peace Humanity

2 Peace

3 What is it? Where is it?

4 What Can YOU do to Make Peace?

5 Humanity


7 How Can Humanity be Restored?

8 TIMES THEN DEBATE- The World: Peace and Humanity or Pieces and Discrimination? The world is being broken up into so- called ‘categories’- Caste, Religion, Gender, Skin Colour, etc. But we’ve done so much to try and stop it! So many campaigns, so many movements, and so much activism!! But so far, how much change has it made? I completely disagree. People are still suffering. Not necessarily. Did you know that over the last 10 years, there has been a rapid decrease in discrimination? Ok, maybe it’s true. But just yesterday a man refused to sell me mangoes because I was a woman!!! That was just one man! That’s like saying you don’t like a certain food item just because ONE of them did something bad to you! It’s also saying that there are still many people in this world who discriminate!!! OK NOW!! TIME UP, DEBATE OVER!! Goodnight, India!!

9 Acknowledgements Websites- Websites- 1. Google Images 2. Wikipedia The Human Mind The Human Mind


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