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“In whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place.

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Presentation on theme: "“In whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place."— Presentation transcript:

1 “In whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.”

2 Agenda Prayer Building Staffing Mission Financial Data Q&A Next Steps

3 Roof and related Repairs New Restrooms and Showers Parking Maintenance Reserve



6  Need: ◦ Sanctuary roof needs to be re-roofed (re- shingled) and will require some underlayment replacement ◦ Wood soffit has some areas of rot  Response: ◦ Replace roof shingle and underlayment as needed on Sanctuary ◦ Repair/replace rotted wood at eave overhang

7  Need: ◦ Additional and easily accessible restrooms ◦ Handicap accessible restrooms on the main floor (Sanctuary/Narthex) level ◦ Showers  Response: ◦ New handicap accessible restrooms are proposed for the main floor near the library. This will include a minimum of (4) new toilets for women and (2) new toilets for men ◦ Showers are proposed to be added. Location to be determined.

8  Need: ◦ Additional parking ◦ City zoning regulations do not allow for reconfiguration or changes of the existing parking lot (as it is currently non-compliant) ◦ City zoning requires that any new parking be located in the Southeast corner of the property behind the building  Response: ◦ The Building Task Group along with Samsel Architects have investigated the options of adding new parking. ◦ The limitations by City zoning leave GCPC with an area for 26 parking spaces maximum ◦ $200,000 to provide as many parking spaces as affordable

9  Need: ◦ The building has a number of deferred maintenance issues that should be addressed ◦ Due to the age of the building and its systems (HVAC, electrical, plumbing) problems which need to be repaired or replaced  Response: ◦ Samsel Architects has recommended a minimum annual budget allotment of $2.00 per square foot for maintenance and improvements. The facility is approximately 32,000 square feet equal to $64,000 per year.

10  Need: ◦ GCPC’s current Program Staff to fulfill the GCPC Ministry Plan is inadequate, particularly in the areas of Youth and Young Adults and our growing mission work.  Response: ◦ Add 1 Fulltime Associate Pastor (by adding funds for additional ½ FTE) ◦ This position effectively replaces all the part-time youth and young adult staff budgeted during 2014 (equivalent to one-half of a full-time position, or $30,000) ◦ Approximately $35,000 additional funds annually ◦ Will assist current ordained staff in meeting the demands for pastoral care, community engagement and daily church life ◦ Will provide additional capacity to respond to programs and activities waiting in the wings based on the Ministry Plan ◦ Estimated to be on board on/about June 2015

11  Need: ◦ GCPC utilizes contract handyman services for routine maintenance Staff and volunteers are used for building set-ups. Staff expends 5 to 10 hours a week preparing rooms for Sunday activities  Response: ◦ Add 1 Part-Time Sexton (20 hrs/wk) ◦ Non-benefit position scheduled to work 20 hrs/wk; Flexible work days ◦ Salary: $20,000 per year ◦ Estimated to be on board on/about January 1, 2015. ◦ Key duties:  Weekly job list and large room set ups (currently done by contracted custodian)  Sunday building opening and facility issues that arise  Other duties now being done by Heather, Mark and Kristy

12 Serve Council presents: challenges and opportunities for the future with Grace Covenant.

13 Need:  Make our Hospitality Space more useful and inviting  Improve set up/flow from hospitality events to church events  Continue support and important work that GCPC does within and outside our physical space Response:  Bathroom and shower facilities  Parking  Staff- sexton for setup/ take down; pastoral staff for support of programming, and theological responses…  TITHE of $ raised by campaign-for Local and Global mission


15 Within the church building: Our building is used most days of every week for community outreach, and several times a year for special opportunities of service:  AA meetings  Youth gatherings, including out of town youth needing overnight accommodations, etc.  RITI(Room in the INN-for homeless women)  15 different groups meet regularly representing over 400 persons  Use has increased 3X’s over past 7 years!


17  GCPC works with programs to end Homelessness  To feed local families  Support children  So much MORE-Serve Fair after worship  Opportunities- tithe from any campaign; staff/pastoral support, meeting space for planning events,




21  Our staff, members and $-support  Haiti-sustainable gardening, clean water, health services and more  Partnership with Jerusalem Church in Guatemala, and the children’s scholarship program there-building a church in Coatepeque.  Malawi- children’s hospital/clinic- support for Dr Nagy Opportunity: Tithe support

22  Roof on Sanctuary$370,000  Restrooms and Showers$350,000  Parking(no more than) $200,000  Maintenance Reserve $ 64,000  Staffing: (seed $$ for 2 years)  Associate Pastor $ 70,000  Sexton $ 28,000  Mission (1/2 Local, 1/2 Global) $126,000  Consultant/Fundraising $ 50,000

23  August 31 Begin Information/dialogue sessions in various venues with groups and classes, etc.  September 6 Congregational retreat  September 7 Information/dialogue sessions in sanctuary after 10:30 worship  September 14 Information/dialogue sessions in sanctuary after 10:30 worship with Architects present  September 21 Information/dialogue sessions in sanctuary after 10:30 worship  September 28 Final packet completed and sent out to all members (testimonials, details, costs) Information/dialogue sessions in sanctuary after 10:30 worship  October 12 11:30 a.m. - Congregational meeting to vote on campaign

24  What additional information do you need?  Here’s how you can help: ◦ Provide dates/times for O Team rep to attend your group, council, class, etc.

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