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+ "The aged [sic] are our future selves. If we continue to have discriminatory attitudes towards the aged, we ourselves are likely to become the victims.

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Presentation on theme: "+ "The aged [sic] are our future selves. If we continue to have discriminatory attitudes towards the aged, we ourselves are likely to become the victims."— Presentation transcript:

1 + "The aged [sic] are our future selves. If we continue to have discriminatory attitudes towards the aged, we ourselves are likely to become the victims of those prejudices." Age friendly cities forum

2 + Age Friendly cities Gender and age equality Recognising diversity and the social determinants Taking a human rights based approach

3 + Aging in Aotearoa-Diversity Wide age range Inequalities between women Inequalities between women and men Cultural and attitudinal difference

4 + Difference- let’s take it into account. Age Ethnicity Culture Socioeconomic factors Life experience

5 + Age as a burden The effects of ageism The effects of sexism A lack of gender based information

6 + Elder abuse two thirds of abused older people are women. abuse by family members is most common Poverty clearly associated with poorer health outcomes affects women more than men

7 + let’s not forget the contributions and strengths Voluntary work Unpaid caring across generations Asset sharing across generations Paid work The importance of social capital

8 + Gender and age equality -Taking a human rights approach Access to work and pensions Challenging misconceptions and stereotypes Rewarding unpaid work Making environments safe Access to services including health and transport Social inclusion

9 + Aging women represent an important and growing political constituency in both developed and developing countries. Recognising and supporting their full participation – regardless of socioeconomic status and ethnicity – will benefit the health and well-being of individuals, families, communities and nations”

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