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Pink Dolphins Hong Kong By Grace Miu 8H. What are pink dolphins?  The adult dolphin is usually white or grey in colour.  The Pink Dolphin along the.

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Presentation on theme: "Pink Dolphins Hong Kong By Grace Miu 8H. What are pink dolphins?  The adult dolphin is usually white or grey in colour.  The Pink Dolphin along the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pink Dolphins Hong Kong By Grace Miu 8H

2 What are pink dolphins?  The adult dolphin is usually white or grey in colour.  The Pink Dolphin along the chinese coast is unique because of their pink-coloured skin.

3 What do pink dolphins eat? These Pink dolphins food is mainly fish. In fact, they eat a variety of fish that can be up of fifty different species but their favourite seems to be the catfish. Catfish underwater [Pink Dolphin’s favourite fish]

4 Where do pink dolphins live? The pink dolphins mainly live in the sea However, some pink dolphins are found in rivers. Pink dolphins also (mainly) live in the Amazon river Pink dolphins are found in parts of Hong Kong and in the pearl river.

5 Why are pink dolphins ‘pink’? The colour of the skin is not actually pink, but it is from blood vessels used to prevent overheating of body temperature. The colour of the skin is not actually pink, but it is from blood vessels used to prevent overheating of body temperature. When pink dolphins get excited, pink river dolphins will flush in a brighter pink colour. This is called ‘blushing’ When pink dolphins get excited, pink river dolphins will flush in a brighter pink colour. This is called ‘blushing’ an animated picture of the pink dolphin

6 How big and how heavy can pink dolphins get? The adult's body length is about 200 - 350 centimetres The infant's body length is about 1 metre. The average weight of an adult is around 150 to 230 kilograms Pink Dolphins maximum length can reach up to 2,8 meters long while its weight can attain a maximum of 150 kg

7 What are the interesting facts about pink dolphins?  At birth, the pink dolphin is grey but its colour changes with age  Pink dolphins are slow swimmers  They rest at the bottom of the river

8 What are WE doing to the pink dolphins? The sea of Hong Kong is becoming a very dangerous habitat for the Chinese White Dolphins. This is due to the increase in poaching, landfills, and sea traffic. Since Chinese White Dolphins are territorial animals and rarely stray far away from their habitat, the water pollution in Hong Kong has a high impact on them.

9 Where does the Pink Dolphins Live? The Pink Dolphin,, lives in the main rivers, Orinoco River and the Amazon river, of South America, and sometimes lakes, but usually prefers the moving waters for hunting.

10 Pesticides, can persist in the environment and often end up in the ocean. Conserve water Cut down on usage generally Think about this every time you buy something. DO YOU REALLY NEED IT?

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