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Interesting Geography Facts. 1. Which country has the highest population? – US – Russia – China 2. Which US city has the highest population? – Chicago.

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Presentation on theme: "Interesting Geography Facts. 1. Which country has the highest population? – US – Russia – China 2. Which US city has the highest population? – Chicago."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interesting Geography Facts

2 1. Which country has the highest population? – US – Russia – China 2. Which US city has the highest population? – Chicago – LA – New York City

3 3. Name the largest ocean. – Atlantic – Pacific – Indian 4. What is the largest mountain range? What country are these mountains in? – Rockies – Himalayas – Andes

4 5. Which country produces the most oil? Iran US Saudi Arabia China 6. What is the longest river in the world? Amazon Nile Mississippi

5 7. Name the Country

6 8. Name the State

7 9. Name the State

8 10. Name the Country

9 11. Name the Country

10 12. Home of the 2012 Olympic Games

11 Continents 13. Which continent contains the most countries? Asia Europe Africa 14.What is the smallest country/state in the world? Monaco Vatican City Aruba

12 Facts 15. What county produces the most wheat in the world? US China Canada 16. How many countries are there in the world? 278 193 131

13 United States 17. How many miles wide is the United States? 1799 3000 6500 18. In what state do our 4 most famous presidents reside? 19. Name the five Great Lakes? Which one is the largest? 20. How many active volcanoes are there in the US? 15 7 9

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