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Biomass Coordinating Council (BCC) Biomass Coordinating Council (BCC) With Biomass Producing Biofuels, Biopower, and Biobased Products.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomass Coordinating Council (BCC) Biomass Coordinating Council (BCC) With Biomass Producing Biofuels, Biopower, and Biobased Products."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomass Coordinating Council (BCC) Biomass Coordinating Council (BCC) With Biomass Producing Biofuels, Biopower, and Biobased Products

2 Biomass Resources are Available From:  Agriculture and Forestry Crops and Residues  Rights-of-Way, Parks, Yard and Garden Trimmings  The Biomass Fraction of Municipal Waste  Animal and Human Wastes  Aquatic Sources Including Algae Essentially an Inexhaustible Supply

3 Biomass Resources Are Producing  Biofuels Including, Ethanol, Methanol, Other Alcohols, Biodiesel, BioOils, Biogas, Landfill Gas and Renewable Hydrogen  Electricity, Cogenerated and Stand Alone Thermal Energy  Biobased Chemicals and Biobased Products – Essentially, Anything Not Made Out of Glass or Minerals Can be Made From Biomass

4 The Carbohydrate/Biobased Economy is Delivering  Fossil Replacements  National, Energy and Homeland Security  Environmental Pollution Prevention  Air, Water, Soil Public Health  Greenhouse Gases Climate Stabilization  Rural Economic Development  New Basic Industries and Quality Jobs  Bridges Between Urban and Rural Americans

5 Biomass and Bioenergy – The Rising Powerhouse  World-Wide Creativity is Generating New Science and Technology to Meet the Potential of the Biorefinery Concept.  This Rapidly Rising Productivity Will Work Cooperatively With Energy Efficiency, the Other Renewable Energy Technologies and the Fossil Energy Industries.  Together, They Will Meet International Energy Needs While Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Improving the Overall Environment and Generating New Basic Industries and Jobs.

6 Biomass -- All Systems Go  Bioethanol – 3.5 Billion Gallons, 19%/yr increase over past three years  Biodiesel – 45 million Gallons, 22%/yr increase over past three years  Landfill and anaerobic digester gas rising too fast to keep up with the growth  Biomethanol coming on strong

7 All Systems GO (Cont.)  Biooils gaining momentum  Biopower, 1.8% of nations electricity capacity and gaining  Biobased products, $250 million and growing rapidly  28 Emerging technologies and advances in commercial operations – opportunities for nanotechnologies

8 2816 Claudia Court Vienna, Virginia 22180 Phone: 703-204-2344 Cell: 202-213-9581 Chair, New Uses Council www. Contact Info

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