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The Revolutions Of 1848 Mr. Marston Dominion Christian High School, Marietta, GA.

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1 The Revolutions Of 1848 Mr. Marston Dominion Christian High School, Marietta, GA

2 Pre-1848 Tensions: Long-Term GIndustrialization  Challenges to the artisan class. GPopulation doubled in the 18 c GIdeological Challenges  Liberalism, nationalism, democracy, socialism. GRomanticism: cultural movement based on rebelling against rules and laws: made feelings their authority. GRepressive Measures  Secret police created in many European states.

3 Pre-1848 Tensions: Short-Term GAgricultural Crises GFinancial Crises  Unemployment increased rapidly [esp. among the artisan class]. Working & middle classes are now joined in misery as are the urban and agricultural peasantry!

4 Center of Revolution in 1848

5 No Coherent Organized Revolutions GMany different reasons for revolutionary activities.  Reactions to long- and short-term causes. GCompeting ideologies in different countries. GDifferent revolutionary leaders, aims, and goals in different countries. GSome countries had no revolutions:  England.  Russia.


7 Prince Louis : Not Too Steady!

8 The February Revolution GWorking class & liberals unhappy with King Louis Philippe  Troops open fire on peaceful protestors.  Barricades erected; looting.  National Guard soldiers defect to the radicals.  King Louis Philippe loses control of Paris and abdicates and flees to London on February 24.

9 GSecond French Republic Proclaimed Goals: Restore order in Paris Draw up new constitution

10 Louis Blanc: “ Radical Leader ”  National Workshops.  Social program to provide shelter, medical care, and jobs for unemployed workers.  Workshops became public-relief program.

11 The Coalition Splits: Mar.-May GGrowing social tensions between the working class & the bourgeois middle class regarding:  The nature of work.  Pay levels.

12 April Elections GResulted in a conservative majority in the National Assembly.  They began debating the fate of social programs [like the National Workshops]. GThe conservative majority wanted the removal of radicals like Blanc from the government.  In early June, the National Workshops were shut down. This heightened class tensions!

13 The “ June Days ” GWorker groups in Paris rose up in insurrection.  They said that the government had betrayed the revolution. Workers wanted a redistribution of wealth.  Barricades in the streets. Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables was based on this event. GA new liberal-conservative coalition formed to oppose this lower class radicalism.

14 Paris: To the Barricades Again!

15 The 2 nd French Republic ( 1848-1852 ) GRevolt crushed  10,000 dead.  A victory for conservatives. GNov., 1848  a new constitution provided for:  An elected President.  A one-house legislature. The Republic by Jean-Leon Gerome

16 President Louis Napoleon GThe December election:  The “law and order” candidate, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte wins.  This was a big shift in middle class opinion to the right! GThe New President:  Purged the govt. of all radical officials. Replaced them with ultra-conservative and monarchists.  Disbanded the National Assembly and held new elections. Represented himself as a “Man of the People.”  His government regularly used forced against dissenters.

17 1852 Coup d ’ Etat: Emperor Napoleon III GPresident Louis Napoleon declared a hereditary 2 nd French Empire.


19 The Austrian Empire: 1830

20 GVery conservative monarchy Liberal institutions didn’t exist GCulturally and racially heterogeneous. GCorrupt and inefficient. GCompetition with an increasingly powerful Prussia. Ferdinand I (1793-1875): forced to abdicate Therefore, the Empire was vulnerable to revolutionary challenges.

21 GThe “February Revolution” in France triggered a rebellion for liberal reforms. GMarch 13  rioting broke out in Vienna.  The Austrian Empire collapsed. Metternich fled. Serfdom abolished.  The revolution began to wane. The revolutionary government failed to govern effectively. Vienna, 1848: The Liberal Revolution

22 The New Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I [r. 1848-1916]: put down revolutions throughout empire

23 The Hungarian Revolution was suppressed

24 Lajos Kossuth (1802-1894) GHungarian revolutionary leader. GAustrians invade. GAustrian & Russian armies defeated the Hungarian army. GHungary would have to wait until 1866 for autonomy under the Dual Monarchy.

25 Tsar Nicholas I: Czar of Russia (r. 1825-1855)  Headed off revolution by starting a policy of Autocracy, Orthodoxy, and Nationalism.  Russification: unite diverse nationalities around the culture and traditions of Russia.

26 Italy

27 Upheaval in Italy, 1848 GItalian nationalists and liberals sought to end foreign domination of Italy. GMilan, Lombardy & Venetia wanted to expel their Austrian rulers. GBourbon rulers in Kingdom of Two Sicilies. GHouse of Savoy in Sardinia-Piedmont grant liberal constitutions.  Sardinia-Piedmont declared war on Austria. GBeginning in May, revolutions suppressed.

28 Italy, 1848 GGiuseppe Mazzini established a Roman Republic in 1849 protected by Giuseppe Garibaldi. GPope Pius IX forced to flee. GAustrian General Radzetsky crushed Sardinia-Piedmont. GFrench troops take back the Papal States. GVictor Emmanuel II takes the throne in Sardinia-Piedmont.

29 Reasons for Failure in Italy GRural people did not support the revolutions.  Revolutionaries focused mainly on urban middle classes. GThe revolutionaries were not united.  Fear of radicals among moderates lead to the collapse of the revolutions. GLack of leadership and administrative experience among the revolutionaries.

30 The German States

31 GAnti-liberal GRelied on Junker support. GPrussia in the mid-19 c :  Efficient.  Good economy.  Strong military. Frederick William IV of Prussia ( 1840-1861 )

32 The Germans Follow the French Griots in minor German states. GAustria and Prussia expected to intervene to crush these revolts, BUT:  Vienna Revolution  led to the fall of Metternich.  Berlin riots Prussian army suppressed the revolutionaries. King Frederick William IV withdraws the troops and hand the Prussia liberals a big victory!

33 The Frankfurt Assembly GGerman liberals are overjoyed! GGerman National Assembly established in Frankfurt:  Universal suffrage.  Delegates mostly from the middle class.  Debate over the nature of the state  monarchy of Habsburgs or Hohenzollerns?

34 Frankfurt Assembly Meets

35 The “ Three Germanies ”

36 Austria & Prussia Reassert Control GAustria re-gained control of Vienna. GThe Frankfurt Assembly offered the emperorship to Frederick William.  He declined.  Radicals took to the barricades again.  The Prussian army crushed all resistance.  April, 1849  the Assembly collapsed.

37 Liberalism Discredited in Germany GLittle popular support. GThe union of liberals and democrats didn’t last. GRule of force was the only winner!

38 Why did the 1848 Revolutions Fail ? GThey failed to attract popular support from the working classes. GThe middle classes led these revolutions, but as they turned radical, the middle class held back. GNationalism divided more than united. GWhere revolutions were successful, the Old Guard was left in place and they turned against the revolutionaries. GSome gains lasted [abolition of serfdom, etc.] GBUT, in the long term, most liberal gains would be solidified by the end of the 19 c :  The unification of Germany and Italy.  The collapse of the Hapsburg Empire at the end of World War I.

39 The Bottom Line GIt looked like the Conservative forces had triumphed. GBUT…  Things had changed forever.  Economic/social problems continued to be constant challenges to the ruling order.  Conservatives would have to make concessions in order to stay in power.  Many of the limited Liberal achievements remained permanent.

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