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FALLS LAKE NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGY ( New & Existing Development Requirements) UNRBA BOD Meeting May 18, 2011 John Huisman – NC Division of Water Quality.

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Presentation on theme: "FALLS LAKE NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGY ( New & Existing Development Requirements) UNRBA BOD Meeting May 18, 2011 John Huisman – NC Division of Water Quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 FALLS LAKE NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGY ( New & Existing Development Requirements) UNRBA BOD Meeting May 18, 2011 John Huisman – NC Division of Water Quality

2 Falls Lake Rules (Effective January 15, 2011).0275 Purpose and Scope (Goals).0276 Definitions.0277 Stormwater – New Development.0278 Stormwater – Existing Development.0279 Wastewater Discharges.0280 Agriculture.0281 Stormwater State & Federal Entities.0282 Trading.0235 Neuse Stormwater Requirements.0315 Neuse River Basin

3 Stormwater, New Development.0277 Post-construction runoff meet N & P rate targets –2.2 lbs/ac/yr TN.33 lbs/ac/yr TP –Local governments implement Land disturbance thresholds ½ acre residential 12,000 sq/ft commercial –Onsite treatment criteria 30% of N&P onsite: <1 acre 50% of N&P onsite: >1 acre 30% of N&P onsite: Downtown Redevelopment

4 New Development Stormwater Rule Implementation Timeline March 2011 –EMC approved DWQ model program August 2011 –LG submit local programs to DWQ for approval January 2012 –DWQ Makes recommendations to EMC July 2012 –LGs adopt and implement local program

5 Stormwater, Existing Development.0278 All LGs implement load reducing activities on existing developed land –Stage I : (Back to 2006 baseline by 2021) –Stage II (% Goals / LGs propose timeline) –LGs develop inventories within 2 yrs of effective date Stage II plan –Initial Plan = Stage I Level of effort (updated 5yrs) Scientific Advisory Board –Methods to quantify load reduction requirements –Methods to account for load reduction credits

6 Existing Development Stormwater Rule Implementation Timeline January 2013 –Local governments complete inventories July 2013 –DWQ submits Stage I model program to EMC January 2014 –LG submit local Stage I programs for approval –Begin implementation of Stage I programs January 2021 – LGs submit initial Stage II prgms.

7 Questions John Huisman DWQ – Nonpoint Source Planning Unit Phone: (919) 807-6436 Email: DWQ Falls Lake Website: TJCOG Falls Lake Stakeholder Website:

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