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What do we mean by conciliarity? A structure, organised into councils, made up of individual representatives each charged with a duty to discern the mind.

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Presentation on theme: "What do we mean by conciliarity? A structure, organised into councils, made up of individual representatives each charged with a duty to discern the mind."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do we mean by conciliarity? A structure, organised into councils, made up of individual representatives each charged with a duty to discern the mind of Christ in the decisions they face. An expression of the Holy Spirit in which the Spirit’s leading is tested at various levels of the church in order to better understand God’s will for our shared life. Collaborative leadership, by which all members are empowered to make decisions that affect them and our collective witness to Christ. A ‘grass-roots, bottom-up’ structure embodied by the primacy and autonomy of the local Church Meeting.

2 Church Meeting – blessing or curse? At General Assembly, a point was made that in debate at Synod and national levels we are free to disagree because we can do so in a spirit of openness and friendship. However, all too often a less forgiving attitude is prevalent at Church Meeting, particularly when a dissenting voice offers an alternative or challenging point of view. We’ve all been to Church Meetings which we would rather not have been to, either due to the level and ferocity of discord expressed, or simply because its been too boring! The issue then is about re-engaging with the unique nature of the Church Meeting, how we practice a shared listening for the Holy Spirit, and how we refresh its tired format.

3 Where do we go from here? Assembly agreed therefore that the national Faith and Order Committee should: Produce resources to help us to improve our theological understanding of conciliarity. Stress the need for proper preparation for church membership that includes those responsibilities pertaining to the Church Meeting. Suggest resources to enable the Church Meeting to be more engaged in their discernment of the mind of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Encourages us all to consider different and innovative ways in which churches can hold Church Meetings.

4 Questions for buzz groups 1.Share some positive experiences of church meetings that you felt succeeded in discerning the mind of Christ in its decision-making. What do you think contributed to this? (10 minutes) 2.Share examples of when you felt church meeting failed to live up to its calling. Why do you think this was and what could have been done to prevent it? (10 minutes) 3.Do you think our conciliar structure is a gift? Why? (10 minutes) 4.Do you think it is possible to re-energise church meetings and how do you think this can be achieved? (10 minutes)

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