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God chose God chose (1:27-28) Foolish Foolish. Criminal raised to become Savior Weak Weak. Apostles are ‘unqualified’ Base Base. Low born; from no one.

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Presentation on theme: "God chose God chose (1:27-28) Foolish Foolish. Criminal raised to become Savior Weak Weak. Apostles are ‘unqualified’ Base Base. Low born; from no one."— Presentation transcript:

1 God chose God chose (1:27-28) Foolish Foolish. Criminal raised to become Savior Weak Weak. Apostles are ‘unqualified’ Base Base. Low born; from no one in particular Despised Despised. Of no account. Ac.4:11 Things that are not Things that are not. As good as nothing; of no value. E.g.: baptism; Lord’s supper

2 Paul’s Corinthian audience Paul’s Corinthian audience (2:1-4) Jews Jews wanted a sign (1:22), a Messiah to restore their glorious kingdom – Paul preaches – The Messiah has already come He was crucified Greeks Greeks wanted wisdom / oratory (1:22; 2:1-4); Paul offers no philosophy – Paul preaches – Plain message ‘Foolish’ message

3 Paul’s message Paul’s message (2:1-4) Plain, Plain, 1 (no emphasis on oratory) Foolish, Foolish, 2 (not ‘customer oriented’) – Modern man cannot understand Roman world’s disgust for crucifixion worship – Who would worship a crucified man? messagemanner – Paul would not distract listeners atten- tion from his message to his manner Humility, Humility, 3. 15:9-10 Powerful, Powerful, 4. 1:18

4 ‘Comparing spiritual things with spiritual’ ‘Comparing spiritual things with spiritual’ (2:13) 1. Combine 1. Combine (ASV; NASB) 2. Compare 2. Compare (2 Co.10:12) (KJV; NKJV) 3. Explain, interpret 3. Explain, interpret (ESV; NRSV; SEB) (LXX: Gn.40:8, 16, etc.) No wonder Paul rejected excellency of man’s speech & wisdom o This is verbal inspiration o This is plenary verbal inspiration

5 ‘Natural Man’ ‘Natural Man’ (2:14) 1. Unconverted? 2. Uninspired? 3. W/o Spirit notreceive  Natural man does not receive Spirit’s teaching (Lk.8:13; Ac.8:14; 11:1; Ja.1:21)  Describes typical Greek wise man of the world – has all he needs in nature  Revelation is foolish; he rejects it  Jude 19; Ro.1:18, 23; Jn.6:60-66 Foolishness natural insight ‘ Foolishness ’ to his natural insight

6 ‘Spiritual Man’ (2:15-16) all things 1. Judges all things, 15 (understands these things). 2. Natural man cannot understand him, 14 (cf. 4:3-4)…condemns what / who he does not understand (15). 3. He has the mind of Christ, 16 (Ph.2:5).

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