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The Bill of Rights. George Mason’s Passion The Virginia patriot who wanted the Constitution to say more about personal freedoms was George Mason. The.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bill of Rights. George Mason’s Passion The Virginia patriot who wanted the Constitution to say more about personal freedoms was George Mason. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bill of Rights

2 George Mason’s Passion The Virginia patriot who wanted the Constitution to say more about personal freedoms was George Mason. The first ten amendments (changes) to the Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. It is based on Mason’s Virginia Declaration of Freedom and on Jefferson’s Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.

3 What Rights Does the Bill of Rights Grant Us? 1. We have the right to pray as we see fit and to say what we want. People can share their opinions. We can meet in public to discuss anything. 2. We have the right to bear arms in order to defend ourselves 3. Homeowners don’t have to house or feed soldiers.

4 4. Permission from a court of law need to be given for a person’s home to be searched. 5. No one can charged with a crime without a jury hearing the evidence. If charged, a person must have a lawyer to help and cannot be tried twice for the same crime. 6.People deserve a fair and speedy trial. No secret trials are allowed. 7. Disputes over money or property will be settled by a trial by jury.

5 8. Prisoners may not be tortured or treated badly. 9. The Bill of Rights cannot be used to deny people rights that were promised in the Constitution. 10. The federal government has limits on its powers. All other decisions fall to the states.

6 Our Freedoms The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution, gave us all written guarantee of individual rights. America has a government for the people and by the people.

7 Slavery’s Shadow Northern states made a deal with two Southern states to let slavery continue in exchange for trade laws that would help those Northern states with the shipping industries. The slave trade would be allowed to continue for at least 20 more years.

8 Let’s Practice! What would life be like without the Bill of Rights? ◦ resources/play-games/life-without-the-bill-of- rights/ resources/play-games/life-without-the-bill-of- rights/ ◦

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