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Government Basics. Ways Governments Distribute Power Unitary Confederation Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Basics. Ways Governments Distribute Power Unitary Confederation Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Basics

2 Ways Governments Distribute Power Unitary Confederation Federal

3 Power is divided between one central authority and several regional authorities Example: United States has federal government that meets in Washington DC and state governments in each state –Federal Government – Power to declare war –State Government – Power to set speed limit Countries in Middle East: Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Iraq (new government)

4 Federation / Federal Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority

5 Unitary Power is held by ONE central authority Regional authorities do NOT have power Examples in Middle East: Afghanistan, Egypt, Israel, Iran, Syria, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen

6 Central Authority Unitary Regional Authority Ways Government Distributes Power

7 Confederation Voluntary association of states that often only give a few powers to the central authority States generally have great deal of independence and are more important than the central government Example: OPEC – Member nations (regional authority) only give OPEC (central authority) right to decide amount and price of barrel of oil

8 Central Authority Confederation Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority

9 Question: Do the citizens (people) of the nation have a say in their government?

10 Governments and Citizen Participation: Autocracy Autocratic – one person possesses unlimited power; citizens have limited if any role in government Forms of Autocratic Governments: –Absolute or Totalitarian Dictatorships –Absolute Monarchies

11 Government and Citizen Participation: Oligarchy Government by the FEW; citizens have very limited role in government Government run by small group that gets power from military, social status, wealth, religion, or a combination of these Examples: –Communist countries like China – leaders in political party and military control government –Afghanistan under the Taliban

12 Government and Citizen Participation: Democracy Citizens influence the government by voting; citizen participation is highest in this form of government Two basic types of democratic governments: –Parliamentary Democracy –Presidential Democracy

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