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Getting Around Transport You need to decide how you are going to travel to and from work and out and about. You need to decide how you are going to.

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3 Getting Around

4 Transport You need to decide how you are going to travel to and from work and out and about. You need to decide how you are going to travel to and from work and out and about. Your choices are: 1. Public Transport 2. Running a Car 3. Self propelled (bike or walk)

5 Which? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each:

6 Buying a Car You are going to investigate the cost of running a car You will need to consider (a) C ar loan (b) C ar tax (c) I nsurance (d) R unning costs Use the car sales board to find a car you like and complete the car loans and alternative transport pages of the booklet to find out if you can afford it.


8 Make a Decision! 1. Decide if you wish to travel by car, bike or public transport and complete your transport section of your personal budget.


10 Spending it all Now you have paid for your accommodation and sorted out your transport the rest of the money is yours to spend as you wish. Don’t forget: (a) Food (minimum £15 a week but you will be hungry) (b) Clothing (c) Savings (for emergencies or holidays) (d) Pensions

11 Review How do you feel about your budget? Has it changed what you want to do? How can you make things easier for yourself? Fill in the “what would I do differently” sheet. Did we miss anything out?

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