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November 2009 Exploring and Developing Copper, Zinc and Gold Projects in East Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "November 2009 Exploring and Developing Copper, Zinc and Gold Projects in East Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 2009 Exploring and Developing Copper, Zinc and Gold Projects in East Africa

2 2 Sunridge Gold - Highlights Asmara Project in Eritrea hosts four deposits identified to date with combined Indicated resources containing: 1.28 billion lbs (580,000 tonnes) copper 2.5 billion lbs (1,130,000 tonnes) zinc 1.05 million oz gold 31.8 million oz silver At current metal prices, these resources combine for very high value for a small cap junior. Note: does not included inferred resource at Gupo Gold deposit, which currently contains 189,000 ounces of gold.

3 3 Sunridge Gold - Highlights Antofagasta Minerals S.A. signs strategic alliance agreement with Sunridge and becomes largest shareholder Sunridge is well funded with approx. CDN$ 9 M Expansion drilling began October 2009 on deposits owned 100% by Sunridge Exploration drilling funded by Antofagasta will commence on new highly prospective exploration targets early in 2010

4 4 Eritrea and the Asmara Project ERITREA LOCATIONS Asmara Massawa Bisha Hambok Zara Asmara Projects Eritrea 38°E 16°N Red Sea Sunridge Gold VMS/Gold Projects ~ 700 sq km Other VMS/Gold Projects

5 5 Eritrea Population approx 4 million, largely subsistence agriculture Asmara considered to be amongst the safest and most beautiful capital cities in Africa Mining code based on Northern Territory, Australia Business conducted in English

6 6 Asmara Project – Infrastructure Excellent infrastructure including: Asmara Project located in close proximity to capital city of Asmara Grid power – 4 km from power plant Paved roads Deep water port at Massawa, located on major trade and shipping routes on Red Sea Both paved road and rail to port at Massawa, 120 km from project Good water supply

7 7 Sunridge Gold–Eritrea Nevsun Resources - Bisha Mine 5.5 years from discovery (Jan. 2003) to mining license (May 2008) 8 years to production, scheduled for Q3 2010 when gold mining starts at Bisha Mine Nevsun received $25 M from ENAMCO for down- payment for purchase of 30% of Bisha Mine project Secured over US$200 M debt finance commitment for mine construction

8 Asmara Project – Three Main Focus Areas Antofagasta-Sunridge Exploration Area: - Antofagasta to fund $10 M in exploration - Drilling to begin early in 2010 Emba Derho Copper-Zinc-Gold VMS: - 100% Sunridge Owned - Positive Scoping Study Complete - Currently looking for partner to develop Debarwa Copper-Zinc-Gold VMS Deposit: - 100% Sunridge Owned - Currently drilling to expand zones - Scoping studies to begin in 2010 Work on the Asmara Project is focused on three distinct areas:

9 9 Antofagasta – Sunridge Exploration Area Antofagasta Minerals S.A. signs strategic alliance agreement for US$10 M in exploration expenditures over five years giving them 60% interest in the Exploration Ground ( October 2, 2009 ) Antofagasta invested US$ 5 M in private placement Sunridge will be operator until a total of US$7 M has been funded by Antofagasta Antofagasta may earn an additional 15% for a total of 75% interest in the Exploration Areas by completing a feasibility study on any project within the Exploration Areas Exploration work funded by Antofagasta has commenced on new highly prospective targets

10 10 Antofagasta Minerals S.A. Antofagasta is a wholly owned subsidiary of Antofagasta plc, listed on the London Stock Exchange (symbol -- ANTO) Chilean mining operation are expected to produce approximately 447,000 tonnes of copper in concentrate in 2009 Expected to increase total copper production to nearly 700,000 tonnes per year from 2011 Antofagasta has exploration or feasibility programs in Chile, Pakistan, Zambia and Mexico Antofagasta plc has net cash of US$1.8 billion and it currently has a market capitalization of US$11.3 billion (June 30,2009)

11 Antofagasta – Sunridge Exploration Area X 43-101 Resources X High Priority Drill Targets Sunridge Gold – Antofagasta Exploration Areas Sunridge Gold 100% owned Development Areas

12 12 Antofagasta – Sunridge Exploration Area Many high priority, large targets for drilling with Antofagasta Proven VMS trends containing numerous gossan outcrops with large geochemical and geophysical anomalies Drilling to begin January 2009 at Dairo Paulos Highest Priority drill Targets within Exploration Area Development Areas 100% Sunridge Gold

13 13 Emba Derho Highlights 100 % owned by Sunridge – Currently seeking JV Partner Large NI 43-101 compliant copper-zinc-gold resource of 62.5 M tonnes Positive Scoping Study demonstrates strong economic potential Next stage is Prefeas/Feasibility at Emba Derho Ideally located 15 km from Asmara on excellent infrastructure

14 14 Emba Derho 43-101 Resource Wardrop, September 17, 2008 Summary of Indicated Mineral Resource Zone Cut- off Million Tonnes Copper % Zinc % Au g/t Ag g/t Gold Oxide 0.2 g/t Au 3.510 - -0.845.14 Zinc-rich 1.0% Zn 20.545 0.28 2.350.3912.13 Copper-rich 0.5% Cu 38.4251.020.990.189.31 Total 62.48

15 15 Emba Derho 43-101 Resource Wardrop, September 17, 2008 ZoneCut-off Million Tonnes Mlbs CuMlbs ZnKOz AuMOz Ag Gold Oxide Cap 0.2 g/t Au 3.5105394.80.58 Zinc-rich Primary 1.0% Zn 20.5451271,065 2588.0 Copper- rich Primary 0.5% Cu 38.425864839 22211.5 Totals 62.48 996 (450,000 tonnes) 1,907 (865,000 tonnes) 574.820.1 Total Contained Metal at Emba Derho

16 16 Drilling at Emba Derho Great terrain for open pit mining

17 17 Emba Derho 43-101 Resource Model

18 18 Highlights of Emba Derho Scoping Study Completed June 2009 by Wardrop UK: Base case open pit mining at 4 M tonnes per year for 10.4 years (42 Mt out of 62 Mt) - potential mine life extension Base case IRR is 21.6% with four years payback on initial estimated capital costs of US$331.8 M, sustaining capital US$67.3 M Base case pre-tax NPV is estimated at US$203.9 M at 10% discount rate Produce 200,000 t of Cu & Zn concentrates annually containing 55,000 t Zn, 25,000 t Cu, 20,000 oz Au & 0.6 m oz Ag Total operating costs are estimated to be US$21.19/tonne milled

19 Scoping Study – Sensitivity to Metal Prices SENSITIVITY TO METAL PRICES Base Case Prices 5 Year Average 2 Year Average Price Pre-tax NPV @ 10%US $203.9323.8 IRR%21.627.7 Pre-tax PaybackYears4.03.2 Mine LifeYears10.4 METAL PRICES CopperUS $ lb2.502.95 ZincUS $ lb1.000.95 GoldUS $ oz650.00835.00 SilverUS $ oz11.0014.00 Historical average metal prices sourced from London Metal Exchange as of June/09

20 20 Possible improvements to Scoping Study Wardrop - opportunities for improving Emba Derho economics: Possible mining of the NW zone consisting of 17.3 M tonnes averaging 0.96% Cu, 1.26% Zn, 0.18 g/t Au & 8.84 g/t Ag Base case Scoping Study does not include oxide gold zone which contains 94,000 ozs Au. (3.51 m tonnes grading 0.84 g/t Au) Upgrade ore by removing unmineralized dykes and dumping in the pits Mining Emba Derho in conjunction with other nearby deposits Possible use of railway, sharing port costs with Nevsun, study of local power options and using part of open pit for waste disposition

21 21 Emba Derho – Nearby Deposits

22 22 Emba Derho – Nearby Deposits Zone Cut Off Million Tonnes Au g/t Ag g/tCu%Zn% Primary 2% Zn 2.732.8599.301.398.38 INDICATED RESOURCES Adi Nefas and Gupo Gold are within 6 km of Emba Derho and will be included in future Prefeas/Feasibility studies at Emba Derho: Adi Nefas: – high grade zinc-copper-gold VMS deposit. Gupo Gold: NI 43-101 compliant Inferred resource of 1,965,000 tonnes grading 2.99 g/t Au totaling 189,000 ounces gold. Potential low cost operation in conjunction with Emba Derho gold cap.

23 23 Debarwa Deposit ZoneCut Off Million Tonnes Au g/tAg g/tCu% Zn% Oxide 0.5 g/t Au 2.4421.7113.790.12 0.09 Supergene1% Cu1.3361.5433.875.36 0.08 Primary1% Cu0.6990.8722.312.53 3.23 Totals4.477 Debarwa Indicated Resources Debarwa high-grade copper-zinc-gold VMS deposit

24 24 Debarwa Deposit: Section 99965N 17.16 m @ 8.53 g/t Au 20.1 m @ 15.30 % Cu, 9.69 g/t Au 10 m @ 24.97 g/t Au16.7 m @ 8.02 % Cu, 1.61 g/t Au, 35.81 g/t Ag 15.12 m @ 4.42 % Cu, 8.23 % Zn, 2.00 g/t Au 18 m @ 3.96 % Cu, 5.48 % Zn, 1.37 g/t Au 9m @ 3.15 g/t Au Supergene Zone Primary Zone Gossan / Leached Zone elev 1800m elev 1850m elev 1900m DEBD-002 DEBR-023-D DEBD-029 DEBR-021-D DEBR-050-D DEBR-065-D DEBD-014 17 m @ 12.33 % Cu, 1.85 g/t Au

25 25 Debarwa Highlights High-grade copper-gold-zinc (VMS) project 100% Sunridge owned Current drill program underway to expand high grade zones Scoping studies to begin early in 2010 Possible low capital cost – high grade operation Option to direct ship ore to be considered

26 26 Asmara Project – Total Contained Metals Property Million Pounds Cu Million Pounds Zn Million oz Au Million oz Ag Emba Derho9961.907.57520.1 Debarwa20357.2203.0 Adi Nefas84504.2508.7 Totals 1,283 (600,000 tonnes) 2,467 (1.1M tonnes) 1.04531.8 Total Contained Metal in Indicated Resources in 100% Sunridge Owned Deposits Note: Table does not included inferred resource at Gupo deposit, which current contains 189,000 ounces of gold.

27 27 SGC - Share Structure November 2009 Symbol: SGC/TSX.V Shares outstanding: 76,171,765 Options: wt. avg = $1.20 6,192,500 Warrants @ $1.60 exp. March 19/10 5,764,500 Fully diluted shares: 87,928,765 Current cash: CDN$9,000,000 FD Cash: additional: $16,654,200 Market cap. Approx. $45 million Antofagasta Mineral S.A. (Sierra Gorda Inv. Comp): 17.9% Lundin Mining: 12.2%

28 28 SGC – 5 Year Chart

29 29 Management and Directors Michael Hopley–President/C.E.O. David Daoud–Exploration Manager Don Halliday –Executive Vice President Doris Meyer –CFO & Director Greg Davis –VP Business Development Amanuel Arafine – Eritrean Country Manager, Eritrea Craig Angus –Director, Chairman Ricardo Muhr–Director (VP - Mineral Resources Antofagasta Minerals S.A.) Neil O’Brien –Director (Senior VP Lundin Mining) Stephen Gatley –Director (GM, Lundin Mining) Mark Corra –Director (CFO of B2 Gold) Eric Edwards–Director

30 30 Summary Exploration and development work focused on 3 distinct areas: 1.Exploration Area – funded by Antofagasta, drilling to begin on high priority targets early in 2010 2.Emba Derho – ready for prefeas/feasibility, currently looking for JV partner 3.Debarwa – currently drilling to expand high-grade zones, scoping studies planned for 2010 Positive Scoping Study on Emba Derho deposit with strong IRR’s and NPV’s Experienced management team and board of directors Excellent project infrastructure and strong gov’t support Sunridge remains well funded Nevsun on schedule to begin mining at Bisha in Q3 2010

31 31 Regulatory Notes All of Sunridge Gold’s exploration programs and pertinent disclosure of a technical or scientific nature are prepared by, or prepared under the direct supervision of Michael J. Hopley, CPG, Sunridge Gold’s President and CEO, who serves as the qualified person (QP) under the definitions of National Instrument 43-101. Certain disclosures in this presentation, including management’s assessment of Sunridge Gold’s plans and projects constitute forward- looking statements that are subject to numerous risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause future results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

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