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CSE 3 : Fluency With Information Technology Karina Kak C OMPUTATIONAL T HINKING This course helps students become more familiar with information technology.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 3 : Fluency With Information Technology Karina Kak C OMPUTATIONAL T HINKING This course helps students become more familiar with information technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 3 : Fluency With Information Technology Karina Kak C OMPUTATIONAL T HINKING This course helps students become more familiar with information technology and proficient with computer applications like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. The class also involves learning basic web programming (HTML/XHTML/JavaScript (HTML/XHTML), and data analysis and presentation. C OMPUTATIONAL T HINKING This course helps students become more familiar with information technology and proficient with computer applications like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. The class also involves learning basic web programming (HTML/XHTML/JavaScript (HTML/XHTML), and data analysis and presentation. P RESENTATION OF I NFORMATION WITH MS P OWER P OINT PowerPoint is useful in displaying information in a visually appealing way. Excel data can be placed on slides and accompanied with brief text descriptions to make communication simple. We used PowerPoint to visually display information about a stock portfolio. P RESENTATION OF I NFORMATION WITH MS P OWER P OINT PowerPoint is useful in displaying information in a visually appealing way. Excel data can be placed on slides and accompanied with brief text descriptions to make communication simple. We used PowerPoint to visually display information about a stock portfolio. D YNAMIC W EBPAGE P ROGRAMMING WITH J AVA S CRIPT JavaScript is another scripting language that utilizes a more programming-oriented approach to allow much more customization and interaction between the user and the webpage. We used JavaScript to create a cell phone order calculator and an online black jack game. D YNAMIC W EBPAGE P ROGRAMMING WITH J AVA S CRIPT JavaScript is another scripting language that utilizes a more programming-oriented approach to allow much more customization and interaction between the user and the webpage. We used JavaScript to create a cell phone order calculator and an online black jack game. V ISUAL P ROGRAMMING WITH A LICE Alice is a program that makes it easy to create simple animations and shows visual representations of programming. In class we used it to create an animated movie as well as a ticking clock. V ISUAL P ROGRAMMING WITH A LICE Alice is a program that makes it easy to create simple animations and shows visual representations of programming. In class we used it to create an animated movie as well as a ticking clock. D ESKTOP P UBLISHING WITH MS W ORD Microsoft Word can be used to design web pages. The application automatically converts the word processed document into HTML which can then be viewed in a browser. We used this functionality to create a career plan web page and a page about color systems. D ESKTOP P UBLISHING WITH MS W ORD Microsoft Word can be used to design web pages. The application automatically converts the word processed document into HTML which can then be viewed in a browser. We used this functionality to create a career plan web page and a page about color systems. M AKING I NFORMATION A VAILABLE TO THE W ORLD WITH HTML AND W EB P AGES HTML is a programming language that can be used to create web pages. Web pages are useful tools for publishing information on the internet that is available for anyone to access. We used HTML for a variety of web pages, including a homepage and a page about UCSD Tritons. M AKING I NFORMATION A VAILABLE TO THE W ORLD WITH HTML AND W EB P AGES HTML is a programming language that can be used to create web pages. Web pages are useful tools for publishing information on the internet that is available for anyone to access. We used HTML for a variety of web pages, including a homepage and a page about UCSD Tritons. D ATA A NALYSIS AND V ISUALIZATION WITH MS E XCEL Excel is a powerful tool for managing, manipulating, and analyzing data. The application can create graphs and charts to make data easier to visualize. It can also compute equations. In class, we used Excel to manage a budget and a stock portfolio. D ATA A NALYSIS AND V ISUALIZATION WITH MS E XCEL Excel is a powerful tool for managing, manipulating, and analyzing data. The application can create graphs and charts to make data easier to visualize. It can also compute equations. In class, we used Excel to manage a budget and a stock portfolio.

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