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 The purpose of the Global Classrooms Conference and for many United Nations meetings is for delegations representing countries and organizations to.

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Presentation on theme: " The purpose of the Global Classrooms Conference and for many United Nations meetings is for delegations representing countries and organizations to."— Presentation transcript:


2  The purpose of the Global Classrooms Conference and for many United Nations meetings is for delegations representing countries and organizations to come together in a committee (in this case WHO) to problem solve. These solutions are later written down formally and called resolutions.

3  The number of cases of HIV has increased.  What is the root of the problem?  What is a possible solution?  Who can help?  How can they help?

4  Sponsors:  Signatories:  Preambulatory clauses:  Operative Clauses:

5  There is a good universal health care system in place, but it is becoming too expensive to maintain given the current economic crises.  What is the root of the problem?  What is a possible solution?  Who can help?  How can they help?

6  Sponsors:  Signatories:  Preambulatory clauses:  Operative Clauses:

7  Child mortality rates are increasing as a result of malnutrition. They have limited access to clean water, which adversely affects young children since their immune systems are weaker.  What is the root of the problem?  What is a possible solution?  Who can help?  How can they help?

8  Sponsors:  Signatories:  Preambulatory clauses:  Operative Clauses:

9  The current health care system cannot serve the growing population.  What is the root of the problem?  What is a possible solution?  Who can help?  How can they help?

10  Sponsors:  Signatories:  Preambulatory clauses:  Operative Clauses:

11  Mental illness is taboo, so those that need mental health services don’t ask for help.  What is the root of the problem?  What is a possible solution?  Who can help?  How can they help?

12  Sponsors:  Signatories:  Preambulatory clauses:  Operative Clauses:

13  Expecting mothers in rural areas often cannot access health care they need.  What is the root of the problem?  What is a possible solution?  Who can help?  How can they help?

14  Sponsors:  Signatories:  Preambulatory clauses:  Operative Clauses:

15  Doctors and nurses are poorly trained despite receiving degrees in their field.  What is the root of the problem?  What is a possible solution?  Who can help?  How can they help?

16  Sponsors:  Signatories:  Preambulatory clauses:  Operative Clauses:

17  Life expectancy is longer, so the system is more expensive than ever as we take care of our aging citizens. The rate of change in life expectancy is unprecedented.  What is the root of the problem?  What is a possible solution?  Who can help?  How can they help?

18  Sponsors:  Signatories:  Preambulatory clauses:  Operative Clauses:

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