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5 Values we want you to “catch” presence.EG2P.belong.Jesus destined. powerful personal prayer 5 Values we want you to “catch” presence.EG2P.belong.Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Values we want you to “catch” presence.EG2P.belong.Jesus destined. powerful personal prayer 5 Values we want you to “catch” presence.EG2P.belong.Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Values we want you to “catch” presence.EG2P.belong.Jesus destined. powerful personal prayer 5 Values we want you to “catch” presence.EG2P.belong.Jesus destined. powerful personal prayer

2 presence: God with us In short, we do not just want to be on a quest for information about God. We want to be on a quest for God. In the Bible we hear about God being with His people. He leads the Jewish people by a pillar of cloud and fire in the story of Moses. Jesus comes to earth and is God who is present with us- Emmanuel. And Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to his people once he is gone- God dwelling with and in us. So as a church we want to seek God's presence with us. As we sing, pray and chat we want to do more than just state truth in different forms. We want it to be a prayerful soulful time, where we can in some tangible way know God is with us.

3 belong: You can belong before you believe: The only requirement for coming to Church on the Hill is wanting to come, and an openness to discussing Jesus as the spiritual home we all lack. We want to welcome any spiritually homeless person to come and journey with us as we learn about Jesus. There doesn't need to be any prior knowledge or experience. For this reason we do not require someone to believe in the truths of the Bible to join with us, or behave in the way Christians do. belong: You can belong before you believe: The only requirement for coming to Church on the Hill is wanting to come, and an openness to discussing Jesus as the spiritual home we all lack. We want to welcome any spiritually homeless person to come and journey with us as we learn about Jesus. There doesn't need to be any prior knowledge or experience. For this reason we do not require someone to believe in the truths of the Bible to join with us, or behave in the way Christians do.

4 Jesus Destined We are a church which exists to provide a home for spiritually homeless people. So this church is a community where we want to journey together as we discover God and the life He has for us. But we are not nomads- we know the destination we want to reach. Jesus, as revealed in the Bible, is the truth we seek. Who He said He was, His life and death and resurrection, these are key to our ethos as a church.

5 EG2P: Everyone gets to play We believe church is not a spectator sport but a movement everyone is allowed to be a part of. We see that God has put a seed of potential in every life, which is creative and compassionate and powerful for good in the world. We want to invite people into a church community where they give and receive, where they talk and listen, where they find the life God has for them and start living it: a beautifully contagious life in Jesus.

6 Prayer is personal and powerful In short, prayer is not a task, but an expression of our dependent relationship with God. We value a church community who prays to the God who comes close, and wants relationship with his people. It is personal. We also want to foster a church environment where people pray intentionally for each other. We will pray and expect for God to show His power as we pray. We will pray for transformation, healing, and more of the presence of God in our lives. We will listen to God the Holy Spirit as we pray.

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