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Period 2 (3a — 4 ) 1. going camping 2. spending time with her friends 3. babysitting her sister 4. relaxing at home 5. visiting her grandmother 6. watching.

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Presentation on theme: "Period 2 (3a — 4 ) 1. going camping 2. spending time with her friends 3. babysitting her sister 4. relaxing at home 5. visiting her grandmother 6. watching."— Presentation transcript:


2 Period 2 (3a — 4 )

3 1. going camping 2. spending time with her friends 3. babysitting her sister 4. relaxing at home 5. visiting her grandmother 6. watching TV 7. playing basketball

4 1. 主语 + be + 动词 -ing 现在进行时,表示动作正在进行。 e.g. She is singing. 她正在唱歌。 He is listening. 他在听。 We are having English class. 我们在上英语课。 2. 主语 + be + 动词 -ing 这种结构也可表示将要发生的动作。 e.g. I’m going shopping tomorrow. 我明天要去购物。 We’re visiting our teacher next week. 我们下周去看望老师。

5 如何区别 be doing 结构表示现在进行和将来时态: 主要区别看句子的时间状语: 现在进行时 将来时 now, tomorrow; look, listen… next week It’s seven o’clock; this weekend; …

6 3a. Read the conversation. Then fill in the chart. TonyLin Hui Where are they doing? Hong Kong How long are they staying? four days Tibet a week

7 3b. Make new conversations using the information below. DAVE cousin’s house a week ZHU YAN San Francisco Friday-Tuesday MARY beach five days MIKE sports camp 11 th-22 nd A: What is Dave doing for vacation? B: He’s going to his cousin’s house. A: How long is he staying? B: He’s staying for a week.

8 My dream vacation Where are you going for vacation? When are you going? What are you doing there? Who are you going with? How long are you staying?

9 1.What are you doing _______ vacation? 2.When are you going ________ vacation? 3.He is ________(relax)at home. 4.I’m going hiking ______ the mountains. 5.I’m going to Hong Kong ________ 3 days. 6.Please send me a postcard _________ Hawaii. 7. 听起来很有趣。 8. 听起来是个好注意。 for on relaxing in for from It sounds interesting. It sounds like a good idea.

10 Conclusion: 1.Use “be + doing” to talk about future plans 2.go camping spend time with friends babysit my sister vacation go to the beach relax go hiking have a good time send me a postcard show me your photo 3. That sounds nice / interesting.

11 Homework Write a diary about your coming vacation. You can use the new words and sentences.

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