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Invertebrates have a variety of receptors that they use to “make sense” of their environment Many are the same basic types of receptors that we use to.

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Presentation on theme: "Invertebrates have a variety of receptors that they use to “make sense” of their environment Many are the same basic types of receptors that we use to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invertebrates have a variety of receptors that they use to “make sense” of their environment Many are the same basic types of receptors that we use to make sense of our world – Some of the major categories of receptors are: photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, chemoreceptors

2 The goal of this lab is to investigate how an invertebrate responds to an external stimulus Consideration needs to be taken to ensure that a single type of receptor is being used by the invertebrate (that the invertebrate is not responding to numerous stimuli and using a variety of receptor categories)

3 General Info: – You may select any invertebrate for your investigation, but here are some examples Blackworms ( Lumbriculus variegates), Ghost shrimp (Palaemonetes sp.), Meal worms (Tenebrio molitor larvae), Planaria (Dugesis tigrina), and Pillubgs (various species) – You are responsible for obtaining your invertebrate – Common lab supplies will be provided for your use, but if you need a specific apparatus you will need to bring it – Care should be taken to ensure that your investigation does not involve an experimental design that predictably would harm your invertebrate – Remember…this lab will be an internal assessment!

4 Timeline: – 12/16: Submit tentative research question – 1/7: Observe your invertebrate to help refine your question – 1/9: Specific research question sign up (first come, first serve…remember that each question must be very different) – 1/15: Lab day to conduct experiment – 2/5: Lab report due (I’ll be swinging by to pick them up)

5 Helpful Hints: – Your question needs to be based on research! – Distribution is not behavior, you need research to determine an actual response – Collect quantitative data – Do NOT talk to each collaboration!

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