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Light and Sound Target: Lesson 1 : Making sound Lessons aim: To learn how sounds are made.

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Presentation on theme: "Light and Sound Target: Lesson 1 : Making sound Lessons aim: To learn how sounds are made."— Presentation transcript:

1 Light and Sound Target: Lesson 1 : Making sound Lessons aim: To learn how sounds are made

2 Learning outcomes By the end of the lesson you should be able to: Explain how sound is caused by vibration Describe sounds as high, low, loud, quiet Explain how sounds of different loudness and pitch are related to differences in vibration Recognise representations of different sounds on an oscilloscope Explain how loudness of sound is related to amplitude and pitch is related to frequency

3 Sounds are made by _____________ objects Draw a diagram of each demo and label it show how the sound is created

4 Wave animation

5 Watch the demo In the centre of your page draw the sound wave below Then draw 4 other waves representing sounds that are a)louder b) quieter c)higher pitched d) lower pitched. An oscilloscope display of a sound wave

6 Musical instruments What vibrates to make the sound? How is a) pitch b) loudness changed ?


8 Homework Complete the worksheet : Vibrations pitch and frequency For next lesson

9 Learning outcomes Are you able to: Explain how sound is caused by vibration Describe sounds as high, low, loud, quiet Explain how sounds of different loudness and pitch are related to differences in vibration Recognise representations of different sounds on an oscilloscope Explain how loudness of sound is related to amplitude and pitch is related to frequency

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