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LORD, YOU ARE GOOD Israel Houghton. Lord, You are Good Verse: Lord, You are good And Your mercy endureth forever.

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Presentation on theme: "LORD, YOU ARE GOOD Israel Houghton. Lord, You are Good Verse: Lord, You are good And Your mercy endureth forever."— Presentation transcript:

1 LORD, YOU ARE GOOD Israel Houghton

2 Lord, You are Good Verse: Lord, You are good And Your mercy endureth forever

3 Lord, You are Good Pre-Chorus: People from every nation and tongue, From generation to generation

4 Lord, You are Good CHORUS 1: We worship You, Hallelujah, hallelujah We worship You, For Who You are

5 Lord, You are Good We worship You, Hallelujah, hallelujah We worship You, For Who You are You are good

6 OUR GOD Chris Tomlin

7 Our God Verse 1: Water You turned into wine Opened the eyes of the blind There’s no one like You None like You

8 Our God Verse 2: Into the darkness You shine Out of the ashes we rise There’s no one like You None like You

9 Our God CHORUS: Our God is Greater, Our God is Stronger God, You are Higher Than any other

10 Our God Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God, our God

11 Our God Bridge: And if our God is for us, Then who could ever stop us And if our God is with us Then what could stand against

12 GOD OF JUSTICE Tim Hughes

13 God of Justice Verse 1: God of Justice, Savior to all Came to rescue, The weak and the poor Chose to serve, And not to be served

14 God of Justice Pre-Chorus: Jesus, You have called us Freely we’ve received Now freely we will give

15 God of Justice CHORUS: We must go, Live to feed the hungry Stand beside the broken We must go

16 God of Justice Stepping forward, Keep us from just singing Move us into action We must go

17 God of Justice Verse 2: To act justly everyday Loving mercy in every way Walking humbly before You God

18 God of Justice Pre-Chorus: You have shown us, What You require Freely we’ve received Now freely we will give

19 God of Justice Bridge: Fill us up and send us out Fill us up and send us out Fill us up and send us out, Lord

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