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Bellringer Download today’s notes: Rivalries & Extreme Nationalism Notes Answer the following question: Reach back into your brain. What is ministerial.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Download today’s notes: Rivalries & Extreme Nationalism Notes Answer the following question: Reach back into your brain. What is ministerial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Download today’s notes: Rivalries & Extreme Nationalism Notes Answer the following question: Reach back into your brain. What is ministerial responsibility? What does it have to do with what’s going on in Europe at this time? (Use your notes if you need help!)

2 International Rivalries Germany had upset the balance of power when they united in 1871. Scared that France would form an alliance against them. Why? Bismarck formed the Triple Alliance. What countries were in this? Also maintained a separate peace treaty with Russia. Kaiser William II fired Bismarck in 1890 and took control of foreign policy… William dropped the treaty with Russia… France almost immediately formed a treaty with Russia. Why is this a problem for Germany?? Meanwhile, Britain drew closer to France and formed the Triple Entente in 1907. What countries made up this alliance? Where do you think this is headed??



5 Crises in the Balkans The Ottoman Empire started to fall apart; both Austria- Hungary and Russia saw their chance to gain influence there. In 1908, Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, which angered Serbia and was opposed by Russia – “protector of the Slavic people” The Serbs (backed by Russia) prepared to go to war with Austria, but Germany demanded Russia to accept it. Russia backed down, but vowed revenge… Wars broke out in the Balkans in 1912 and 1913 and raised tensions even more. Everyone was suspicious of everyone and Europe was on the verge of war by 1914.


7 Extreme Nationalism Nationalism became very intense in many countries in the late 1800s. Idea of “Social Darwinism” Led to the growth of anti-Semitism in Europe, especially Russia. Caused many to immigrate to Palestine

8 Colonial empires grew in the late 1800s as industrialism led to a new wave of imperialism. Nations raced to gain control over colonies. Imperialism, the control of a region or country by another country, increased due to industrialization. Industrial nations needed more raw materials and wanted more markets for their finished goods. Nationalism also promoted the idea that more lands would increase a country’s power. Also, the spread of religion and “superior” culture also influenced imperialism.


10 Homework! Ch. 11 Test tomorrow! If you haven’t read the chapter as it’s been assigned, you’re going to be in trouble!

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