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Monitoring for soil protection Florence, May 16, 2012.

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1 Monitoring for soil protection Florence, May 16, 2012

2 Table 1 CRA-ABP CRA/ABPBudgetCosts incurred until 31.03.2012 Expected costs until 30.06.2012 Personnel289.800104.257115.172 (1) Travel and subsistence 27.298 2.731 External assistance 53.000 15.560 Equipment 4.950 4.947 Consumables 2.300 70 Other Costs 68.000 - 13.328 (2) Overheads 11.550 310 Total456.898127.875151.808 1) As for the expected personnel costs until 30.06.2012, it is reasonable to assume that in the period April-June 2012 they will be equal to those incurred in the period January-March 2012 increased by 20%, because the nearer the date of the Mid-term report, the more the workload for the Coordinating Beneficiary. 2) This is the first instalment of the contract for the procurement of satellite images (20% of the total amount), which will be paid off by the end of May.

3 Table 2 EKPA EKPABudgetCosts incurred until 31.03.2012 Expected costs until 30.06.2012 Personnel212.000 97.785119.315 Travel and subsistence 2.548 2.100 External assistance116.000 - 30.000 (1) Equipment - - - Consumables 1.100 426 826 Other costs 73.500 - 13.500 (2) Overheads 33.700 8.025 Total438.848108.336173.766 1) Development of SMS (Soil Monitoring Software), which should be almost completed except for the last checks on the adequacy of the delivery to contract specifications. 2) Map server software that should already have been purchased.

4 Table 3 REG PEL REG. PEL.BudgetCosts incurred until 31.03.2012 Expected costs until 30.06.2012 Personnel138.250 18.455 29.843 Travel and subsistence 2.548 - - External assistance142.700 - 1.000 (1) Equipment 2.550 - - Consumables 4.000 - 500 Other costs - - - Overheads 7.200 - Total297.248 18.455 38.543 (1) Possible organization of a demonstration event in Greece.

5 Table 4 REG SIC REG. SIC.BudgetCosts incurred until 31.03.2012 Expected costs until 30.06.2012 Personnel122.400 67.734 77.107 (1) Travel and subsistence 5.098 1.571 External assistance120.100 1.470 Equipment - - - Consumables 2.500 460 Other Costs - - - Overheads 7.100 - - Total257.198 71.235 80.608 1) It is reasonable to assume that personnel costs for the period April-June 2012 are more or less the same as those incurred during the period January-March 2012.

6 Table 5 Before the mid-term report we have to justify as Projects costs an amount of expenditure that is 150% of the overall EU pre-financing (that is € 433.549,80) BENEFICIARYShare of the EU first instalment Costs incurred until 31-03-2012 Expected costs until 30.06.2012 Costs that should be justified before the mid-term report CRA/ABP110.533,20127.875151.808165.799,00 (1) EKPA109.500,00108.336173.766164.250,00 REG. PEL. 37.000,00 18.455 38.543 55.500,00 (2) REG. SIC. 32.000,00 71.235 80.608 48.000,00 Total289.033,20325.901444.725433.549,80

7 The reason for the failure to reach the spending threshold by CRA/ABP lies in the delay in the launch of the tender for the acquisition of satellite images. Had the tender been launched in due time, now we would have been paying the second instalment (40% of the total amount) instead of paying the first one. The reason for the heavy delay in the spending process by the Region of Peloponnese lies in the extent of re-allocation of responsibilities within the regional administration following the launch of the “Kallikrates” Program, adopted by the Greek Parliament in May 2010 (Greek Law 3852/2010), which brought about a slowdown in all administrative activities. On March 7, 2012 we received a communication from the Region’s authorities concerning the new local Project team which has been appointed. From now on there should be no more obstacles in carrying out all planned activities.

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