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Section 1 – Environmental Geography: Diverse Landscapes, from Tropical Islands to Mountain Rim.

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1 Section 1 – Environmental Geography: Diverse Landscapes, from Tropical Islands to Mountain Rim

2 Why do people in SA live in Hazardous areas? Why are the hazardous lands so fertile?

3 Why is there so much flooding? How does flooding impact the lives of people in these hazardous areas?

4 Problems of Deforestation in South Asia – Question 2 &3

5 Piles of Dung for Fire – Saving the Forest (Question 3) India Turkey

6 Chipko Movement

7 Why?

8 What is a Monsoon? Are all monsoons like this? (Question 6)

9 Monsoon Season?!?!? (Question 6)

10 Environmental Geography: Diverse Landscapes, from Tropical Islands to Mountain Rim The Four Subregions of South Asia Mountains of the North Collision of Indian Subcontinent with Asian landmass Himalayas, Karakoram Range, Arakan Yoma Mountains Indus-Ganges-Brahmaputra Lowlands Lowlands created by three major river systems. Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra rivers Peninsular India Deccan Plateau covers most of India, is bordered by Eastern and Western Ghats (mountains) The Southern Islands Sri Lanka (1 island) and Maldives (1,200 small islands)


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