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Proteins of Immunology

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Presentation on theme: "Proteins of Immunology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proteins of Immunology

2 Immune System Complement Humoral Cellular Antibody production

3 Hemopoeisis

4 Recognizing Self from Non-self: the role of MHC
Let’s T killers know that I’m suppose to be here. On APC, provides communication link to Immune System

5 Lymphocytes interact to mount humoral response

6 Cytokines Small protein which help activate the different immune cells, like messengers Produced by T cells and Antigen presenting cells (APCs) Induce adhesion molecules and increase vascular permeability Attract leukocytes Many different types: Interleukin-1 (IL-1) Interleukin-2 (IL-2) Interferon  (IFN-)

7 Kinins Cause contraction of muscles distal to site, causing blood to back-up at affected site (swelling) Stimulate nerves causing pain Cause vascular cells to contract and to express adhesion molecules, allowing cells to attach to capillaries and enter affected site Example: bradykinin

8 Basic immunoglobulin monomer

9 Typical Ab-Ag interaction has a Kd as low as 10-10 M,
Reflecting ionic interactions, H-bonds, hydrophobic, etc.

10 Immunoglobulins IgG

11 Genes for the immunoglobulins and T-receptors undergo DNA rearrangement.

12 Light and Heavy chains

13 The language of Antibody interactions:



16 Polyclonal antibodies arise from multiple clones
of cells and bind to different parts of antigen with different binding affinities Monoclonal antibodies arise from a single clone of cells produced by hybridomas (fusion of B-cell and myeloma cell), the antibodies are identical

17 Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) Specificity and sensitivity

18 ELISA and RIA

19 Western Blots

20 Two pathways for complement
Classical pathway – stimulated by antigen-antibody interaction (primarily IgG and IgM) Alternative pathway (AP) – stimulated by antigen-antibody interaction (IgA and IgE) OR by non-immunologic means (LPS)

21 Classical pathway – cascade of proteins

22 Alternative pathway

23 Arrow key Component cleavage – Red Arrow
Enzymatic activity – Blue Arrow Component assembly – Green Arrow

24 MAC formation

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