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Jim Berglund. Note: Unusual treatments have a Blue background or are highlighted with bolding and italics Bidding Sequences are assumed to be Without.

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Presentation on theme: "Jim Berglund. Note: Unusual treatments have a Blue background or are highlighted with bolding and italics Bidding Sequences are assumed to be Without."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jim Berglund

2 Note: Unusual treatments have a Blue background or are highlighted with bolding and italics Bidding Sequences are assumed to be Without Interference. (A general guideline is that Bidding becomes ‘natural’, or ‘systems off’ after interference) The purpose of this system is three-fold: to improve the odds in right-siding the contract (having the weaker hand exposed) to add more granularity to bidding – wherever possible, giving a precise, unique purpose to each and every bid to define strong suits and identify slam prospects quickly and at lower levels.

3 The 1 ♣ Opener and 1  Response OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 1♣ - Any unbalanced hand with 5+ clubs, or any balanced hand with fewer than 15 points or 17+-19 points. Must be Announced. “Could be short”, as opener could hold as few as 2 clubs.* More than 30% of all openings will classify. This means that you should spend some time mastering these sequences until they become ‘natural’ to you 1♦ - Must be Alerted – “Waiting, shows no 5-card major” (Montreal Relay).’*Typically’ shows 4+ ♦, or 6-10 points balanced, since balanced hands with more than 10 points are shown with a NT bid, and there are other game force bids that can be made with other unbalanced hands. OTOH with ♠AKxx ♥AKxx ♦AKxx x, a 1♦ bid seems right… 1 ♥ - Shows a 4 card suit 1♠ over 1♥ may be bid with 3♠ and a minimum hand allowing opener to bid 1NT with minimal values and a flat hand; this is non-forcing and must be Announced, “Could be as few as 3 spades” ; anything other than 1NT or 2♣ by opener shows extras 1♣-1♦-1♥-2♠ or 3♦ are splinters in support of hearts (see XYZ) 1NT shows 8-10 HCP (with less, over 1♥ you’d bid 1♠, if possible). Note that we avoid playing 1NT from the wrong hand, wherever we can. A raise to 2♥ may be made with 3 cards to an honor and 6-8+HCP (see XYZ) 2♣ is a transfer to 2♦. The next bid is invitational (XYZ) 2♦ is an artificial game force (XYZ) 1♠ - Shows a 4 (or 5*) card suit and denies 4 hearts. * with weak 5-5’s only 1NT typically shows 8-10 HCP 2♣ is a transfer to 2♦. The next bid is invitational (XYZ) 2♦ is an artificial game force (XYZ) 1NT - Denies a 4-card major, non-forcing. May have 5♣/4♦ 2♣ - Shows 5 or (usually) more clubs with minimal values 2♦ - By agreement - shows 5+♣/4+♦ - this is a reverse, not a raise (since the 1♦ response may be artificial. It should always show a very good club suit 2♥/♠ - A reverse showing very good clubs and a second suit 2NT - 18-19 HCP, balanced, may have a 4 card major (use Check-Back Stayman) Almost one-third of all openings will be 1 ♣. Hence, there is a lot of opportunity to precisely define responses and follow-on sequences. The four key differences are: frequency and flexibility of the 1 ♦ response the certitude of 5-card major responses higher point-count of the NT responses the 2-level, 2-way transfers. If your partner opens one club, you must state this, out loud, to the opponents. If asked “how short?”, say ‘as few as 2” If asked “How big?”, say “11+ (HCP)” and add “non- forcing” Rule: In Bridge, you NEVER hide any special understandings from the opponents Montreal Relay is a complete bidding system developed by Eric Kokish, a Canadian expert. This system uses only the 1 ♣ -1 ♦ sequences. The XYZ convention is invoked over any three bids at the one-level (without competition). Basically 2 ♣ is a relay to 2 ♦ with invitational values (TBA), while 2 ♦ is an artificial game force. An artificial bid has a meaning other than what you would expect. It may be part of a convention or just a treatment

4 Major Suit Responses to 1 ♣ Openers OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 1♣1♥1♥1♠ - shows fewer than 3 hearts and 4 spades 1NT shows a minimum, (12-14 HCP) balanced hand 2♠ - shows a minimum hand and 4 Spades Any other bid is as shown below 1♥/♠ - Shows at least 5 cards in the suit and a good 5-15 points 1NT – minimal, balanced hand, less than 3 in the bid major 2♣ is a transfer to 2♦. The next bid is invitational (XYZ) 2♦ is a game force (XYZ) 2♣ - Shows 5 or more clubs with minimal values and no raise for partner Raise - minimum raise with 3+ cards Jump raise – invitational raise with 4 trumps, or 3 to an honor and/or extras 2♦ - By agreement - shows 5+♣/4+♦ - this is a reverse 2♥/♠ (not a raise) a reverse - usually shows an excellent club suit 2NT - 18-19 HCP, balanced, may have (the other) 4 card major (use Check Back Stayman) 3♣ - concentration of values - invites 3NT or pass 3♦/♥/♠ - singleton or void in support of the bid major, with extras 3NT - To play; a 4♣ bid by responder is Revised Gerber; 4 of the major is 1430 RKC (for the major); 4NT is quantitative, asking partner to bid 6NT with ‘extras’, (but seldom used in this sequence;) any other suit bid is exclusion Blackwood Exclusion Blackwood is triggered by jumping to a suit bid (showing a void) above the expected suit game. It asks partner to bid the number of Aces and Kings (second bid) not counting any in the bid suit

5 1NT Responses to 1 ♣ Openers OpenerResponder Rebidder 1♣1NT - 11-12 HCP; May have a 4-card major Pass - minimal opener; no interest in game; any other bid forces to game. 2♣ - Check-back Stayman; asks responder to show a 4-card Major 2♦/♥/♠ - By agreement - shows 5♣/4♦ - this is a reverse, showing very good clubs and 17+ playing points. Eg. ♠Void ♥Axx ♦Kxxx ♣AQJ10xx 2♥/♠ a reverse - usually shows an excellent club suit 2NT - Shows 18-19 HCP 3♣ - Shows at least 6 good clubs - 12-14 points or 18-20 points; any bid over game shows the upper range 3♦/♥/♠ - Shows 4-4-4-1 HCP with 16+ HCP; singleton in the bid suit 3NT - To Play 4♣ - shows 6+ good clubs and 15-17 HCP; KC (0314) for clubs Recommendation: When using Roman Key-Card Blackwood (RKC), if the agreed/implied suit is a minor, use 0314; if it is a Major, use 1430

6 2 ♣ Responses to 1 ♣ Openers OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 1♣2♣ - Inverted - Game force - looking for 3NT or club game or slam; any bid over 3NT invites slam 2♦ - Shows no stoppers in the majors 2♥/♠ - Shows a stopper in the bid major - no stopper in the other major 2NT - Shows a stopper in both majors 3♦/♥/♠ - splinter - showing good clubs and an unbalanced hand 3♣ - shows 5+ good clubs and 15-17 HCP; 0314 RKC for clubs 3NT - balanced, minimal, at least 1 control in ♦/♥/♠ 4♣ - shows 5+ clubs and 11-12 HCP - invitational but not forcing 4♦/♥/♠ - Exclusion 0314 RKC for clubs; shows a void in the bid suit

7 OpenerResponder 1♣2♦ - 0-5 - HCP - weak transfer to hearts or slam interest; any advance by responder is 1430 key card and shows a great suit; Over 1430, the next bid asks for second-level controls( incl the trump Queen). Bidding NT or raising the known suit to game shows no interest. Other bids show suits; a jump to a suit shows slam interest and a void. 1♣2♥ - 0-5 HCP - weak transfer to spades or slam interest; any advance by responder is 1430 key card and shows a great suit Over 1430, the next bid asks for second-level controls( incl the trump Queen). Bidding NT or raising the known suit to game shows no interest. Other bids show suits; a jump to a suit shows slam interest and a void. 1♣2♠ - 0-5 HCP - weak transfer to diamonds or slam interest; any advance by responder is 0314 key card and shows a great suit. Over 0314, the next bid asks for second-level controls( incl the trump Queen). Bidding NT or raising the known suit to game shows no interest. Other bids show suits; a jump to a suit shows slam interest and a void. 2-Level Transfers over 1 ♣ Openers Remember - we use 1430 over majors and 0314 over minors – always ! Note: These bids are used where 1-level responses don’t ‘fit’. They describe weak, preemptive Suits or very strong, slam-ish suits. This technique typically right-sides the contract. When strong, it shows a hand that can be played opposite a singleton or even a void. Your partner doesn’t need a fit for slam – just Tricks (Aces & Kings)

8 2NT and 3NT Bids Over 1 ♣ Openers OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 1♣2NT - 13-14 HCP; may have a 4-card major 3♣ - check-back Stayman 3♦/♥/♠ - A reverse showing good clubs and a second suit 3NT – to Play 1♣3NT15-16 HCP with no 4-card major 4♣ - 0314 RKC for Clubs 4♦/♥/♠ singleton or void 4NT - Quantitative 5♦/♥/♠ exclusion 0314 RKC Note: We have previously declared that 1NT responses over 1 ♣ shows 11-12 HCP without a 5- card major. Therefore, the 1 ♣ - 1  sequence can be used to cover all 6-10 point ‘flat hands’ as well as many hands with 4 or more diamonds.

9 Other Bids Over 1 ♣ Openers OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 1♣3♣/4♣/5♣/6♣ - Weak, preemptive raises in clubs 3♦ asks for any outside A or K; 3NT shows a diamond control; 4♣ denies 3♥/♠ asks for a specific stopper (A, Kx, Qx or JXX) 3NT – Shows the stopper; 4♣ denies OpenerResponder Rebidder 1♣1♣ 3♦/♥/♠3♦/♥/♠ Exclusion 0314 The next bid shows 0 or 3 Keycards in Clubs The following bid shows 1 or 4 KC The next bid shows 2 or 5 KC without the ♣Q The next bid shows 2 or 5 KC with the ♣Q

10 One-Level Bids Over 1 ♦ Openers OpenerResponderRebidderAdvancer 1 ♦ - an opening hand with at least 5 diamonds. or 4 ♠ 4 ♥ 4 ♦ 1 ♣ with 16+ HCP 1 ♥ /1 ♠ - shows 5+ points and 4+ cards in the bid suit 1NT or 2 ♦ are non-forcing and deny 4-card support for the bid major 2 ♣ - shows an invitational hand; asks partner to bid 2 ♦ the next bid is the ‘invite’ (XYZ) 2 ♦ is forcing to game, but indicates uncertainty as to the best game (XYZ) 2 ♣ shows 4-4 or better and is non-forcing A raise of either minor is highly invitational 4 th Suit Forcing is in effect 2♦2♦ Shows at least 6 diamonds – non-invitational A raise is non-invitational; a jump raise is invitational; 2NT is invitational A reverse is forcing and shows good diamonds. It does not guarantee anything in the suit. Eg: 1 ♦ -1 ♥ -2 ♠ is a reverse – not a splinter (Remember - it was a splinter over 1 ♣ because the 1 ♥ bid promised at least 5 ♥ )

11 Two-Level Bids Over 1 ♦ Openers OpenerResponderRebidderAdvancer 1♦1♦ 2 ♣ - 2/1 Game Force with Clubs – denies a 4-card major or an ability or desire to bid NT 2 ♦ - Inverted - Game force - looking for 3NT or club game or slam; any bid over 3NT invites slam 2 ♥ / ♠ - Shows a stopper in the bid Major - no stopper in the other Major 2NT - Shows a stopper in both Majors 3 ♣ - shows a stopper in Clubs - no stopper in either Major 3 ♦ - shows 6+ good diamonds and 15-17 HCP; KC (0314) for diamonds 3 ♥ / ♠ - splinter in the other Major with good diamonds and a good hand 3NT - balanced, minimal, at least 1 control in ♣ / ♥ / ♠ 2 ♥ / ♠ - Preemptive Jump Shift; Treat a 2NT bid by opener as Fox-Lambert with a 0-6 HCP range 3 ♣ - Invitational Raise in Diamonds 3 ♦ - Preemptive Raise in Diamonds 3 ♥ / ♠ - shows a good, but broken suit and little else - game try 2NT - 11-12 HCP; may have a 4-card major 3 ♣ - Check-back Stayman 3NT - 13-15 HCP with no 4-card major and less than 4 diamonds 4 ♦ - 0314 RKC for Diamonds 4 ♣ / ♥ / ♠ - singleton or void 4NT - Quantitative

12 Three-Level Bids Over 1 ♦ Openers OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 3 ♣ - Invitational Raise in Diamonds 3 ♦ - Preemptive Raise in Diamonds 3 ♥ / ♠ - shows a good, but broken suit and little else - game try 2NT - 11-12 HCP; may have a 4-card major 3 ♣ - Check-back Stayman 3NT - 13-15 HCP with no 4-card major and less than 4 diamonds 4 ♦ - 0314 RKC for Diamonds 4 ♣ / ♥ / ♠ - singleton or void 4NT - Quantitative

13 Opening the Majors - 1 ♥ OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 1 ♥ an opening hand with at least 5 hearts 1 ♠ - Alert “Artificial and Forcing 1-round;” expect 0-2 ♥ and 3+ spades and a weak hand, or a hand with 9+ HCP and 4+ spades 1NT - can be passed; any subsequent bid by responder is forward going and shows at least 4 spades 2 ♠ - Better than Flannery with 4+ spades any other 2-level bid is forward-going, but non-forcing 1NT - forcing - 0-4 hearts with 0-6 HCP, or 7+ and less than 3 Hearts; or some better hand 2 ♣ - Alert - may be fewer than 3 ♣ 2 ♦ - 4+ cards 2 ♥ - To Play - shows 6 or more hearts and 10-15- points 2 ♠ - Better than Flannery with 4+ Spades and 16+ playing points 2NT - 17+ to 19 HCP 3 ♥ - 15+ with a good heart suit - Invitational 2 ♣ - Game Forcing by an unpassed hand; Drury otherwise 2 ♦ - Game Forcing by an unpassed hand; Otherwise it is equiv. to a weak 2 ♦ bid; use Fox-Lambert Response over 2NT

14 OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 2 ♥ - Flannery – shows 11-15 HCP; 5 ♥ -4 ♠ 2 ♠ -to play 2NT - asks for fragment 3 ♣ / ♦ - shows 3 Clubs or Diamonds (and a singleton in the other minor) 4 ♣ / ♦ - 1430 RKC for ♥ / ♠ 3 ♥ minimal opening - no singleton 4 ♣ / ♦ - 1430 RKC for ♥ / ♠ 3 ♠ maximal - no singleton 4 ♣ / ♦ - 1430 RKC for ♥ / ♠ 4 ♣ / ♦ - 4-card suit - void in the other 3 ♥ / ♠ - Invitational 3NT - to play In normal bidding systems, including Calgary 2/1, it is difficult to find a 4-4 Heart fit hand with a minimal hand and 5 Spades unless you use the Flannery convention

15 OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 2 ♥ / ♠ - Fox-Lambert Weak 2’s - show 5-11 HCP and 5-7 spades. Values should be in the suit 2NT - Asks for further information 3 ♣ - 5 Spades; 9-11 HCP 3 ♦ - 6 card suit with 5-7 HCP 3 ♥ - 6 card suit with 8-9 HCP or 7 card suit with 5-7 - HCP 3 ♠ - 6 card suit with 10-11 HCP 3NT - 6 card suit headed by the AKQ or better 3 ♣ / ♦ / ♥ (or ♠ ) - Shows trump support and a singleton in the bid suit 3 ♠ shows minimal hand and/or wasted values 3NT shows a willingness to play in 3NT 4 of another suit shows a void 4 ♥ / ♠ is to play If opponents double 2 ♠ 2NT and subsequent bids retain their meaning 3 ♣ / ♦ / ♥ is the McCabe convention - showing support but requesting a lead of the bid suit, rather than your bid major, if possible. 3 ♠ is pre-emptive and annoying

16 Constructive Raises and the Kokish Convention over 1 ♥ OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 1♥1♥ 2 ♥ - Constructive raise with 3+ hearts and 7+ - 9- HCP Kokish { 2 ♠ - invitational - asks for a suit in which responder would accept a HSGT 2NT/3 ♣ /3 ♦ - shows a singleton spade, club or diamond 3 ♥ - 15+ asks for heart quality (responder may convert to 3NT with 9+ and poor hearts) 3 ♠ - shows 5 ♣ / ♦ / ♠ - asks for a Q-bid (A or K)in the minors, a raise to game with no minor Aces, or 3NT (with a better hand) to ask about the other suit 3NT - Serious – request to start q-bidding (Aces or Kings) 2 ♠ - Splinter; by a passed hand, it is equiv. to a weak 2S bid; Use Fox-Lambert resp. over 2NT 2NT - Jacoby - Game Force with Hearts; asks opener to bid a singleton or void if they have one 3 ♥ - shows no singleton or void but a better hand than 4 Hearts 3NT - Serious – request to start q-bidding (Aces or Kings) 3 ♣ / ♦ / ♠ - Splinter (Note: after interference, splinters are off. These bids show a good suit.) 3 ♥ - To Play 3NT - Serious – request to start (Italian) Q-bidding (Aces or Kings) 3 ♦ / ♠ or 4 ♣ / ♦ - Q-Bid - First or Second Round Control 3 ♥ - Limit Raise with 4 Hearts - with a better hand, bid 2/1 or plan to bid 4th suit forcing 3NT - Serious – request to start (Italian) Q-bidding (Aces or Kings) 3NT - 13-15 HCP with no 4-card major and less than 5 clubs or 5 diamonds

17 Opening the Majors - 1 ♠ OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 1 ♠ - An opening bid with 5+ spades 1NTForcing one round 2 ♣ - may be fewer than 3 2 ♦ / ♥ - 4+ Cards 2 ♠ - To Play - shows 6 or more spades and 10-15- points 2NT - 18-19 HCP 3 ♣ / ♦ / ♥ - Forcing – second suit (3 ♣ may be artificial) 3 ♠ - 15+ with good spades - invitational 2 ♣ / ♦ / ♥ - Game Forcing by an unpassed hand; 2 ♣ is Drury by a passed hand 2 ♦ /2 ♥ (by passed hand) - equiv. to a weak 2 ♦ /2 ♥ bid; Use Fox-Lambert responses over 2NT

18 Constructive Raises over 1 ♠ and the Kokish Convention OpenerResponder RebidderAdvancer 1♠1♠ 2 ♠ - Constructive raise with 3+ spades and 7+ - 9- HCP Kokish{2NT - asks for a suit in which responder would accept a HSGT 3 ♣ /3 ♦ /3 ♥ - singleton club/diamond/heart 3 ♠ - 15+ asks for spade quality (responder may convert to 3NT with 9+ and poor spades) 3NT - Serious – request to start (Italian) Q -bidding (Aces or Kings) 3 ♣ / ♦ / ♥ - Splinter - with Limit Raise or better. (Note: after interference – except doubles, splinters are off. These bids would show a good suit but are not forcing.) 3 ♠ - To Play 3NT - Serious – request to start (Italian) Q -bidding (Aces or Kings) 4 ♣ / ♦ / ♥ - Q-Bid - First or Second Round Control 3 ♠ - Limit Raise (9+ - 11- with 4 Spades) - with a better hand, plan to bid 4th suit forcing 3NT - Serious – request to start (Italian) Q-bidding (Aces or Kings) 4 ♣ / ♦ / ♥ - Q-Bid - First or Second Round Control 3NT - 13-15 HCP with 2 ♠, no 4-card heart suit and less than 5 diamonds

19 OpenerResponderRebidderAdvancer 1NT14+ to 17- (No singletons, Bid 14 HCP with a couple of 10’s, or other intermediate values, 5-card minor suit, etc) Eg. ♠ 987, ♥ J104, ♦ AQJ, ♣ KQJx, or better 2 ♣ - Stayman 2 ♦ - No 4-card Major 2 ♥ - Garbage Stayman (4-4 or 4-5 in the Majors; 0-7- (minus) points) – looking for a 4-3 Major suit fit 2 ♠ - Invitational Smolen - 5 Hearts & 4 Spades, 7+ to 9- points 2NT - Invitational to 3NT - may not have a 3 or 4 card major 3 ♣ - 4 ♣ /5 ♦ or better - looking for a minor-suit slam 3 ♦ - looking for a minor suit game. Weak in the majors 3 ♥ - Invitational Smolen; 4 ♥ and 5 ♠ ; 7+ to 9- HC points 3 ♠ - Forcing Smolen - 4 ♠, 5 ♥ slammish 3NT - To Play 4 ♣ - Revised Gerber (0/3,1/4,2min,2max, etc) 4 ♦ - 4 ♦ /5 ♣ or better - looking for a minor-suit slam 4 ♥ - Forcing Smolen - 4 ♥, 5 ♠, slammish 4NT - Quantitative - invitational to 6NT with a maximum 1NT Openers, Stayman and Other Conventions

20 OpenerResponderRebidderAdvancer 1NT2 ♦ / ♥ - Jacoby Transfer to 2 ♥ / ♠ ; Could be weak (0 plus points) with 5 or more ♥ / ♠. 2 ♥ / ♠ - accepting transfer Pass – shows a weak hand with 5 hearts or spades 2 ♠ /3 ♣ /3 ♦ - forcing – showing a feature or a second suit - NOT a HSGT 3 ♥ / ♠ raise is invitational; no interest in NT 2NT - Invitational to 3NT or 4 of the major 3 ♥ / ♠ is to play 3NT – offering a choice of games 4NT – Quantitative – asks partner to bid 6 ♥ or 6NT with a Maximum 2NT is a super accept with 3+ trumps (eg AQ6); anything other than a re-bid of the transfer suit (allowing opener to bid the trump suit at the 3-level) s a game force and should start Italian Q-bids (showing Aces or Kings) if interested in slam 3 ♥ / ♠ - a jump shows 4+ trumps - asks for a feature if interested in game or slam 1NT Openers, and Jacoby Transfers

21 1NT Openers - Jacoby, continued, and 4-Way Transfers OpenerResponderRebidderAdvancer 1NT2 ♠ - Transfer to 3 ♣ (part of 4-way Transfer System) 2NT – shows 4 or more clubs (super-accept) 3 ♣ by responder denotes a long Club suit and a weak hand – no game interest Any other bid is 0314 showing club key cards. If Opener bids 3NT, it’s to play. 4 ♣ asks for number of kings, and 5 ♣ is to play. 3♣3♣ Pass - To Play Any other bid is 0314 showing club key cards. If Opener bids 3NT, it’s to play. 4 ♣ asks for number of kings, and 5 ♣ is to play. 1NT2NT- Transfer to 3 ♦ (part of the 4-way Transfer System), This bid can be made with 5 or more diamonds and as few as 0 HCP 3 ♣ - shows 4 or more Diamonds (super-accept) 3 ♦ by responder denotes a long diamond suit and a weak hands with no interest in game. Any other bid is 0314 showing diamond key cards. If Opener bids 3NT, it’s to play. 4 ♦ asks for number of kings, and 5 ♦ is to play. 3♦3♦ Pass - To Play Any other bid is 0314 showing diamond key cards. If Opener bids 3NT, it’s to play. 4 ♦ asks for number of kings, and 5 ♦ is to play.

22 OpenerResponderRebidderAdvancer 1NT3 ♣ - Invitational with 5-5 distribution in the minors. Pass or pick one at the appropriate level. 3 ♦ - Game Force with 5-5- distribution in the minors 3NT/5 ♣ / ♦ are to play; 4 ♣ / ♦ are 0314 RKC requests for the suit bid 3 ♥ - 5-5 in the Majors - Invitational to game – pass or pick one at the appropriate level. 3 ♠ - 5-5 in the Majors with Slam Interest; 4 ♥ / ♠ is to play, and anything else is asking for more information; Any 4-level minor bid shows an Ace and asks responder to bid his best major 5 ♣ / ♦ is exclusion 1430 RKC 3NT - Any hand that should be bidding 3NT 4 ♣ - Revised Gerber (5 ♣ asks for number of Kings) 4 ♦ =1 or 4; 4 ♥ =0 or 3; 4 ♠ shows 2 with a minimum; 4NT shows 2/max 4 ♦ / ♥ - Texas Transfer – typically done with a weak hand that typically has no interest in slam, or a big hand 4 ♥ / ♠ - forced - to play 4NT – shows a big hand and is 1430 for the bid suit 4/5NT - Quantitative - bid 6NT or 7NT with maximum values 1NT Openers – Other Invitational and Distributional Bids

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