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Published byDarcy Black Modified over 9 years ago
Jim Berglund’s Bridge Lesson 6 Basic Calgary 2 over 1
2 Over 1 is a significant enhancement to 5-Card Majors, which improved Standard American and is now part of the SAYC (Standard American Yellow Card) Two Key Principles: 1.2-level bids over partner’s Major Suit openers will be forcing to game. (1 ♥ -2 ♣, 1 ♥ - 2 ♦, 1 ♠ -2 ♣, 1 ♠ -2 ♦, and 1 ♠ -2 ♥ are the only relevant auctions) However: 1 ♦ -2 ♣ is NOT typically a game force although it is forcing one-round, and may begin a 2.If opener opens one of a major, and responder bids 1NT, that is a one round force. Opener may not pass. These fundamental changes allows 2/1 players to quickly identify game going and slam invitational hands using low level bids. “Slow Shows. Fast Denies”
1.When partner is a passed hand; a passed hand cannot force to game. 2.If partner opens 1 ♣ 3.If partner opens 1 ♦ (except 1 ♦ – 2 ♣ ) 4.A 2 ♠ bid over 1 ♥ is not 2/1 (it is normally played as pre-emptive and weak or as a splinter in support of hearts) 5.Over Opponent’s Interference, including doubles ♠ After an intervening overcall, responder's new-suit bid shows a long suit and decent values, but it is not forcing to game. It could be as few as 8-9 pts, if you have a strong suit. ♠ After an intervening double, responder's 2-level bid of a new suit is weak (5-9 pts.). ♠ After an overcall or a double, a 1NT response is standard (7-10 pts. with a stopper) and is not forcing.
J5 A1084 QJ2 AK83 WNES 1♠1♠ P2♣2♣ P2♠2♠ P? With Standard American, you have no good game forcing bid. ♠ 2NT is only invitational; ♠ 3 ♠ is invitational with 2 ♠ and minimal values; A red suit bid implies a 2-suiter; ♠ a bid of 3 ♥ would show four Hearts, but better, longer clubs. 3NT is too unilateral. ♠ If partner has 6 spades, 4 ♠ may be the best match point contract, and you may even be missing slam. With 2/1, your first bid is a game force, so you have much greater flexibility, and can bid 2NT, knowing partner can’t pass. ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
QJ76532 A5 KQ7 8 WNES 1♠1♠ P2♦2♦ P2♠2♠ P4♠4♠ P? With Standard American, you have no idea if partner holds: ♠ 9 ♥ KJ ♦ AJ10642 ♣ A93, where 6 spades hasn’t a hope, but 6D makes, or ♠ K10 ♥ KQ6 ♦ AJ964 ♣ A93, Where the spade slam is cold or ♠ K8 ♥ Jx ♦ A10876 ♣ KJ93, where 4 ♠ may go down 1, 2 or 3 on diamond ruffs With 2/1, in the first two hands he can explore for the right slam, and in hand three, partner would not make a game force, ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
1.It is usually taught that you need ‘a better-than-opening hand’ to bid 2/1 (a good 12+ HCP is the standard) 2.You should also have one or two good suits to bid 2/1 3.You do not require a fit 4.If you have a 3NT bid (13-15 points with 2-card support for partner, you should bid it) 5.If you have a game-forcing raise for partner, you should bid 2NT (Jacoby,) asking for partner to bid a singleton at the 3-level, or a second 4-card or longer suit at the 4-level 6.I believe, however, that if you have a hand where you know game is definitely makeable, you may bid 2/1 1.You hold ♠ 963 ♥ 8 ♦ A109876543 ♣ void and partner opens 1 Spade. Please bid 2 ♦ 2.You hold ♠ 96432 ♥ KQ8 ♦ void ♣ KQ652. Partner bids 1 ♠. Feel free to bid 2 ♣. You should be looking for slam!
Jacoby 2NT shows 4-card support and is used to elicit more information from opener After 1 ♥ (or 1 ♠ ) – 2NT - ?, here are what the following bids mean: 1.Any 3-level suit bid (other than the trump suit ) shows a singleton (not a void) in the suit. 2.Any bid at the 4-level shows a 4-card suit with 5-4-2-2 distribution. 3.A rebid at the 3-level is strong, and shows 5-3-2-2 or 6-3-2-2 or 7-2-2-2 or possibly a hand with a void 4.A jump to game is the weakest bid and shows 5-3-3-2 distribution 5.A bid of 3NT is called ’Serious 3NT’ and is the strongest of hands and asks partner to start bidding first and second-round controls (Aces, Kings, singletons or voids ‘up-the-line’ (in the order they occur). Holding ♠ Q1084 ♥ 87 ♦ AKQJ ♣ K43, you’d bid 4 ♣ - not 4 ♦. When partner bids 4 ♥, you bid 5 ♦ if he now bids 5 ♥, you bid 6 ♦, and you’ve described your hand perfectly.
1.Rule: With 3 or more cards in partner’s suit, raise it. 1.You hold ♠ AK963 ♥ 8 ♦ AKQ3 ♣ 432 Always bid 3 ♣ 2.You hold ♠ 96432 ♥ void ♦ AKQJ10 ♣ 654. Always bid 3 ♣ (you’ll never get another chance to show partner a fit) 2.Rule: You should rebid a 5-card suit if you have no better bid. holding ♠ 96432 ♥ AQJ ♦ 876 ♣ AJ or even ♠ AKQJ10 ♥ AQJ ♦ 876 ♣ A9 Just bid 2 ♠. Partner will bid again! Note that this does NOT indicate a 6-card suit OR a minimum hand – just no better bid! WNES 1♠1♠ P2♣2♣ P?
3.Rule: Bid 2NT with minimal hands with stoppers in the other 2 suits ♠ K6432 ♥ AQ9 ♦ K76 ♣ 65 Bid 2NT. You’d like the lead to come to your hand if you end up playing it 4.Rule: Don’t jump needlessly. Take your time ♠ AKQ432 ♥ Q ♦ KQJ87 ♣ 5 Just bid 2 ♦. Partner will bid again ♠ AK65432 ♥ 8 ♦ K87 ♣ 52 Don’t bid 3S or 4S. Just bid 2 ♠. Partner will bid again WNES 1♠1♠ P2♣2♣ P?
2-way 2-level transfers New Minor Forcing X-Y-Z Jacoby 2NT Bergen Raises 4 th Suit Forcing Flannery Mini-Roman Constructive Raises Inverted Minors Flannery Adjunct Modified Reverses Lebensohl/Rubensohl Etc. Don’t Panic! These will all be discussed in future lessons and you don’t have to use them all. PROBLEMS WITH 2/1
KQ543 KQ432 A 65 WNES 1♣1♣ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AKQ10783 void AK8 532 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ K8752 Q7652 32 8 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 9 Q97 AKQJ 65432 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
KQ543 KQ432 A 65 WNES 1♥1♥ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AKQ10783 void AK8 532 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ K8752 Q7652 32 8 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 9 Q97 AKQJ 65432 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
KQ543 KQ432 A 65 WNES 1♠1♠ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ void AKQ10783 AK8 532 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ K8752 Q7652 32 8 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 9 Q97 AKQJ 65432 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 876 A5432 AQ QJ5 WNES 1♥1♥ P2♣2♣ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ QJ108 KQJ543 4 QJ ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ Q KJ542 A43 K654 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 654 AKQ76 KQ3 62 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AKJ8 AK832 632 K32
1.2-card support and 5-12 HCP 2.3 card support and 5-7 - or 9 + -13 HCP (and no 4-card spade suit) With the better hand, plan to bid 3 of his major as your next bid With 8 +/- HCP and 3-card support make a constructive raise to the 2-level 3.4-card support and 5-6 - HCP (and no 4-card spade suit) With 8 +/- HCP and 4-card support make a constructive raise With 9 + 11 HCP and 4-card support make a limit raise to the 3-level 4.5-card support and 0-4 - HCP (Tactical bid) Bid a constructive raise with an Ace or a King and 5 to 7 HCP Make a limit raise with 8 to 10 HCP Bid game with 11 or 12 HCP and no Aces 5.Zero or one card support and 6 + -12 HCP (Pass with 0 to 5)
876 AK432 Q5 QJ5 WNES 1♥1♥ P1NT P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AK KQJ543 5432 52 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ J1065 KJ543 KQ K6 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ KQJ AQJ654 AQJ 10 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AQ8 AJ832 KJ2 K3 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
87 A4 QJ52 KJ932 WNES 1♥1♥ P1NT P2♣2♣ P? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ A102 J3 65432 532 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ J107 6 QJ97432 76 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ KJ2 432 QJ3 QJ52 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ Q98 AKQ 6432 J83 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
87654 A43 QJ5 J5 WNES 1♥1♥ 2♦2♦ ? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ QJ1042 432 654 AK ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 107 43 QJ KQJ5432 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ KQ42 Q6 Q3 K652 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ AQ84 A832 6 KQ32 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
8765 AQJ5432 A10 WNES 1♥1♥ 3♠3♠ ? ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ J102 43 KJ109 KQJ10 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ 107 43 QJ KQJ5432 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ KQ5 A6 Q652 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣ A832 AQ84 KQ832 ♠♥♦♣♠♥♦♣
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