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MONDAY: Who are my parents and why? Answer on green do-now log. Oct. 10 th 2011 Welcome 7 th Graders Mr. Martell 506 Mom? Dad? You need: Composition Book.

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Presentation on theme: "MONDAY: Who are my parents and why? Answer on green do-now log. Oct. 10 th 2011 Welcome 7 th Graders Mr. Martell 506 Mom? Dad? You need: Composition Book."— Presentation transcript:

1 MONDAY: Who are my parents and why? Answer on green do-now log. Oct. 10 th 2011 Welcome 7 th Graders Mr. Martell 506 Mom? Dad? You need: Composition Book 4 Handouts Qwizdom Remote (off) 1 2 3 1 2 3 Offspring

2 Oct. 10 th 2011 Today’s Schedule Mr. Martell 506 1.Do-Now 2.Recap of last week 3.Reading on inheritance 4.Define Genotype, Phenotype, Dominant, and Recessive 5.Exit Ticket Quiz DNA poster due Wed/Thur Homework is due Friday Dark MatterEssential Questions What creates diversity among offspring?

3 Oct. 10 th 2011 Reading Mr. Martell 506 1.Individually read the paper and answer the questions on the front and back. 2. Compare your answers with you’re the person sitting at your table 3. Generate definitions for the 4 words below and write them in your composition book on page 2-6. 1. Genotype 2. Phenotype 3. Dominant trait/allele 4. Recessive trait/allele

4 Oct. 10 th 2011 Reading Mr. Martell 506 R r rR Dominant Allele: No running (R) Recessive Allele: Running (r) r r RR Rr or

5 Oct. 10 th 2011 Vocabulary Mr. Martell 506 Dominant Trait A trait that is able to mask or cover the affects a recessive gene RRrRRr

6 Oct. 10 th 2011 Vocabulary Mr. Martell 506 Recessive Trait A trait that is only expressed when two copies are present. RRrRRr

7 Oct. 10 th 2011 Vocabulary Mr. Martell 506 Phenotype An organism’s observable characteristics or traits

8 Oct. 10 th 2011 Vocabulary Mr. Martell 506 Genotype BbBbBbBb Dominant allele Recessive allele

9 Oct. 10 th 2011 Exit Ticket Mr. Martell 506 Question 1: The allele for freckles is (F), while the allele is for no freckles is (f). Using this information, you can infer that… A)No freckles is a dominant trait B)Freckles is a dominant trait C)People with the ff genotype will show freckles D)People with the Ff will show freckles

10 Oct. 10 th 2011 Exit Ticket Mr. Martell 506 Question 2: The allele for freckles is (F), while the allele is for no freckles is (f). What is the phenotype for person with the genotype, Ff. A)No freckles B)FF C)Freckles D)Ff

11 Oct. 11 & 12 th 2011 Welcome 7 th Graders Mr. Martell 506 Given the phenotype of the fruit fly, predict the fly’s possible genotypes: Phenotype: Curly wings, white eyes, tan body. Genotype: ? DominantRecessive WingsA = curlya=straight Eye ColorR = redr = white Body ColorB = tanb = yellow

12 Oct. 10 th 2011 Today’s Schedule Mr. Martell 506 1.Do-Now 2.Define homozygous, heterozygous, and allele 3.Investigation 4.Exit ticket Homework and Poster is due Friday Dark Matter Essential Questions What creates diversity among offspring? How are the structures in genetics related?

13 Oct. 11 & 12 th 2011 Homozygous vs. Heterozygous Mr. Martell 506 Phenotype: Curly wings, white eyes, tan body. Possible Genotype: AA, rr, BB AA, rr, Bb Aa, rr, BB Aa, rr, Bb DominantRecessive WingsA = curlya=straight Eye ColorR = redr = white Body ColorB = tanb = yellow How is this genotype different than the others?

14 Oct. 11 & 12 th 2011 Homozygous vs. Heterozygous Mr. Martell 506 Allele: a version of one gene Example: curly wing allele = A Example: straight wing allele = a Homozygous: having identical alleles or versions of a gene for a trait Example: Homozygous Dominant (AA) Example: Homozygous Recessive (aa) Heterozygous: having different alleles or versions of a gene for a trait Example: Heterozygous (Aa) “Homo” = Same “Hetero” = Different

15 Oct. 11 & 12 th 2011 Homozygous vs. Heterozygous Mr. Martell 506 Review the handout from yesterday and classify each genotypes as…. 1)Homozygous dominant 2)Homozygous recessive 3)Heterozygous

16 Oct. 11 & 12 th 2011 Investigation Mr. Martell 506 Pg 2-7Pg 2-8 1.Glue the investigation handouts into your composition book. 2.Read introduction and answer pre-lab questions

17 Oct. 11 & 12 th 2011 Investigation: Sexual Reproduction Mr. Martell 506 1. Each partner will get a nucleus (plastic cup) with two chromosomes (popsicle sticks). 2. Close your eyes and randomly pick one chromosome to pass down to your offspring. 3. Record the genotype and phenotype on your handout. 4. Add the traits to your fruit fly cut out and place on wall next to similar flies. 5. Repeat until you have data for 4 offspring Male Nucleus Chromosomes Female Nucleus Offspring Nucleus

18 Oct. 11 & 12 th 2011 Investigation: Asexual Reproduction Mr. Martell 506 1. Close your eyes and select both chromosomes from the female’s nucleus and place them in the offspring nucleus. 3. Record the genotype and phenotype on your handout. 4. Add the traits to your fruit fly cut out and place on wall next to similar flies. 5. Repeat until you have data for 2 offspring Female Nucleus Offspring Nucleus

19 Oct. 11 & 12 th 2011 Investigation: Conclusion Mr. Martell 506 Pg 2-9 Answer the questions below using complete sentences. 1)Compare the offspring made by sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. 2)Explain why the offspring made by sexual reproduction differ from asexual reproduction. 3)Imagine a virus infects both populations of offspring and kills only red eyed flies. Which population of offspring is most likely to survive: the population of sexually or asexually reproducing flies? Explain your answer. Conclusion Questions

20 Oct. 11 & 12 th 2011 BrainPop: Asexual Reproduction Mr. Martell 506

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