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10JUN2004 Dutch ministry implements Open(Source) WebGIS Wim de Haas Chiel Stroeven Michel Grothe Geo-Information and ICT Department.

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Presentation on theme: "10JUN2004 Dutch ministry implements Open(Source) WebGIS Wim de Haas Chiel Stroeven Michel Grothe Geo-Information and ICT Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 10JUN2004 Dutch ministry implements Open(Source) WebGIS Wim de Haas Chiel Stroeven Michel Grothe Geo-Information and ICT Department

2 Agenda Introduction Survey & business case WebGIS Proof-of-concept Implementation GeoServices Experiences with Open Source Software Future developments Demo time Q&A

3 10JUN2004 3 Mission V&W The core tasks of V&W are: to guarantee safe, versatile and reliable accessibility both over land and water, through the air, and for telecommunications and post to offer protection against floods to ensure clean and sufficient water 2003 Budget: 6.4 Billion EUR 2003 Staff: 15.000 fte

4 10JUN2004 4 Organization V&W inspection execution policy making

5 10JUN2004 5 Mission Geo-Information & ICT Dept to service RWS with accurate geo-information to deliver the generic ICT infrastructural needs and systems

6 10JUN2004 6 Survey & business case webGIS

7 10JUN2004 7 Survey results Bottleneck webGIS applications: Diversity webGIS software  no interoperability!; Many app-hosting companies; Maintenance: lack of time and knowledge; Strict budget cuts! Remarkable: 90% of all data and 75% of all functionality is in common

8 10JUN2004 8 Business case

9 10JUN2004 9 Proof-of-concept: Geoservices

10 Agenda Introduction Survey & business case WebGIS Proof-of-concept Implementation GeoServices Experiences with Open Source Software Future developments Demo time Q&A

11 10JUN2004 11 Implementation GeoServices Fully OGC compliant –WMS –WFS –GML –Web Map Context –Styled Layer Descriptor ISO and CEN Use of Open Source Software as well as closed source software Geodan contractor with support from DMSolutions

12 10JUN2004 12 OpenGIS web services Bind Publish Registry Requestor Provider Find 2. Requestor localizes services 1. Provider publishes data and services at Registry 3. Requestor starts service

13 10JUN2004 13 Geoservices Application Architecture Browser Apache/ Chameleon Presentation layer Deegree WCAS Geodan Location Database ISO 19119 CEN metadata Service layer Data layer MS4W WMSWFS Geocoder WFS Geodan Geodata ArcIMS 4.0.1/ ArcMapServer WFS ESRI WMS Geodan Geodata OSS ArcGIS IIS

14 Agenda Introduction Survey & business case WebGIS Proof-of-concept Implementation GeoServices Experiences with Open Source Software Future developments Demo time Q&A

15 10JUN2004 15 Experiences OSS (1) OSS crossed our path Open mind Quality –Required functionalities available –Proven stability –Security Price –No license fees (saving of 50 kEUR) –Benefit from others –Costs of development equal to closed source software

16 10JUN2004 16 Experiences OSS (2) Support –Active developers and user community with short response times –Quick bug fixing by DMSolutions through support-contract Development –Anticipating latest developments

17 10JUN2004 17 Experiences OSS (3) License –No GPL, MIT or ASF style license model –Limits the use in mission-critical applications –Need CVS for provenance tracking MP’s support for OSS and Open Standards

18 Agenda Introduction Survey & business case WebGIS Proof-of-concept Implementation GeoServices Experiences with Open Source Software Future developments Demo time Q&A

19 10JUN2004 19 Future developments (1) Spring 2005 a new network for V&W –350 locations, 14.000 users –Bandwidth of 2 Mbps - 1 Gbps –Internet access max. 2 x 1 Gbps RWS technology standards –LDAP, Active Directory –J2EE –.NET

20 10JUN2004 20 Future developments (2) Feature services: WFS Web-editing –Mobile clients –Webclients –Geometry and attributes Semantics Towards a GDI

21 10JUN2004 21 Demo time

22 10JUN2004 22 Questions?

23 10JUN2004 23 Thank you for your attention Contact: Michel Grothe: Chiel Stroeven: Wim de Haas:

24 10JUN2004 24 Geoservices user experience (1)

25 10JUN2004 25 Geoservices user experience (2) Adding kaartbeeld Request meta-informatie

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