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Road to Revolution Part 1. * French & Indian War (1756-1763) 1) 13 American colonies (ruled by Britain) & French territories competed for land FrenchTerritories.

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Presentation on theme: "Road to Revolution Part 1. * French & Indian War (1756-1763) 1) 13 American colonies (ruled by Britain) & French territories competed for land FrenchTerritories."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road to Revolution Part 1

2 * French & Indian War (1756-1763) 1) 13 American colonies (ruled by Britain) & French territories competed for land FrenchTerritories

3 French & Indian War 1756-1763 2) Colonists crossed the Appalachian Mtns to trap animals for fur trade w/Europe

4 French and Indian War 1756-1763 (Brainpop 4:30)Brainpop 4:30 3) The 2 sides that fought : Fr & Native Am tribes VS Br & A colonies & Native Am tribes 4) British win the war + Fr territories

5 * Proclamation of 1763 1) Colonists upset with King George III & Parliament... Why? 2) b/c passed a law that prohibited colonists from settling W of App Mtns

6 * Proclamation of 1763 3) Br worried colonists would get into wars w/Native Am Tribes 4) This would cost $$ to send Br troops

7 * King George III 1) Treated them like second class citizens 2) Colonists NOT allowed to be elected for P. 3) Colonists’ POV (point of view) – King was a tyrant.

8 * Parliament Levies Taxes on the Colonies 1) Quartering Act - 1765 “Act” means a law. Colonists required to provide barracks, food & supplies to Br troops. The Q Act was an indirect tax for the colonists b/c not paid back for their expenses.

9 Parliament Levies Taxes on the Colonies 2) Sugar Act - 1776 P taxed the colonists on sugar & molasses Forced American merchants to trade only with British Caribbean colonies.

10 Parliament Levies Taxes on the Colonies 3) Stamp Act – 1766 Taxed all pamphlets, newspapers, playing cards, & documents (anything made on paper!) Colonists physically intimidated the Br stamp agents who tried to enforce the tax

11 * Boston Massacre - 1770 1) Br troops arrive in Boston 2) Angry colonist mob “trash talk” & throw rocks & snowballs at Br soldiers 3) Br shots were fired killing five colonists

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