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Good practice in delivering functional skills  Initial and diagnostic assessment  Delivery by practitioner – functional skills need to be taught (‘You.

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2 Good practice in delivering functional skills  Initial and diagnostic assessment  Delivery by practitioner – functional skills need to be taught (‘You wouldn’t expect a maths teacher to teach plastering.’ National Research and Development Council. 2007)  Two curricula – skills and problem solving

3 Approaches to delivery  Stand alone – discrete - taught by specialist in a generic way  Contextualised – de contextualised - taught as individual subjects with activities contextualised to main programme or qualification  Integrated into the main programme - no distinct delivery but all aspects included into main area delivery or training

4 Assessment - English Reading Activity:  In pairs, answer the first 7 questions of the English level 1 reading paper.  Mark your answers and discuss with the group. How would your learners respond to this paper?

5 Assessment - mathematics Activity  In pairs, answer questions 9,11, 13 and 14 of the functional mathematics level 1 example paper.  Using the mark scheme, mark your work.  Discuss your responses

6 Speaking, Listening and Communication assessments  Use the SQA support pack available at both levels  Provide candidates with instructions for assessment which include the scenario(s) for the discussion  Candidates should make notes in preparation which they may refer to during the discussion/presentation but must not read out

7 Speaking, Listening and Communication assessments (cont)  Assessors should record contributions to discussions/presentations to inform decisions for grades  Assessors notes may be included as evidence  Following assessment, internal verification must be carried out.  Centres must provide sampling plans and verification reports

8 Speaking, Listening and Communication assessments (cont) Centres must send : For each candidate: □ Completed instructions to candidate □ Completed Assessment Mark Sheets □ Completed Assessor Statements □ Candidate evidence, including preparation notes, plans For each batch: □ Verification Sample Form □ Verification Report Forms

9 Lessons learnt from assessment  Read the question  Answer all of the question  Don’t do your own thing For English  Use the correct format  Check SPAG

10 Lessons learnt from assessment (cont) For maths  Use correct values  Give functional answers  Beware of calculations for time  Give full explanations READ THE QUESTION

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