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Statistics:  population: 94,100,765  Urban population: 18.59%  Infant mortality rate: 44.4 per 1,000  Age dependency ratio: 85.538% Amsterdam, The.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics:  population: 94,100,765  Urban population: 18.59%  Infant mortality rate: 44.4 per 1,000  Age dependency ratio: 85.538% Amsterdam, The."— Presentation transcript:


2 Statistics:  population: 94,100,765  Urban population: 18.59%  Infant mortality rate: 44.4 per 1,000  Age dependency ratio: 85.538% Amsterdam, The Netherlands Ages 65 & up Ages 15-65 Ages 0-14 3.42% 53.9% 42.68%

3 Government:  Official name of country: Ethiopia  Leader: prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn Government Control of the Economy Trade statistics :  Top 3import partners: china, Saudi Arabia, India  Top 3 export partners: china, Germany, Somalia  Top 5 export goods: coffee, spices, vegetables, live plants, oil seeds  Top 5 import goods: industrial machines, oil, mineral fuels, motoervehiceles & parts Amsterdam, The Netherlands 50

4 Economics:  Income level: low  Level of development: developing  GPD per capital: 1,380  GPD growth %: 10.49%  GPD PPP: 130 billion  GPD rank: 71/192 out of 192  Top industries: food and agriculture Agriculture Services Industries Manufacture Amsterdam, The Netherlands 45.03% 43.02% 11.95% 4.04%

5 Weaknesses:  Our GDP per capital is low  Our inflation is high  Political and economic freedom corruption Strengths:  Natural recourses  Agriculture Recommendations:  Trade with different kind of countries  More employment Amsterdam, The Netherlands

6  In this project I learn that Ethiopia have different kind of weakness and strength, But in the economy Ethiopia is becoming a developed country but not the income level. And to improve that they should hire more people and also decrease the amount of corruption because the GDP per capita is bad and this makes the people in danger. Amsterdam, The Netherlands Executive Summary

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