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Mr. Verlin Overbrook High School October 13, 2015.

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1 Mr. Verlin Overbrook High School October 13, 2015

2 Do Now: Freewrite  Respond to the following prompt: do you believe that good behavior is important? How would you explain your assertion to somebody from another culture?

3 Objectives:  The students will be able to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in order to write an autobiographical narrative.

4 Focus Lesson: Franklin’s…  Direct Instruction  Autobiography: an account of a person’s life written directly by that person.  Franklin’s thesis: good behavior is important.  Guided Practice  Read pp. 68-71 in Elements…  Take 2 QNTs on the 2 single most impressionable quotes (1 for each section)  Independent Practice  Thesis: good behavior matters.  Topic sentences: summarize 2 main sections.  Specific details: your thoughts in the QNTs

5 Homework: Essay Plan  Using the essay planning form, complete the following sections:  Thesis: an important lesson you learned  Topic Sentences (at least 2): reasons for their importance  Specific Supporting Details: as appropriate (nothing overly personal or confidential)

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