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Monitoring data db Monitoring data database Paola Grosso SCS Networking The idea (from Warren) is to store the data from various monitoring programs into.

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1 Monitoring data db Monitoring data database Paola Grosso SCS Networking The idea (from Warren) is to store the data from various monitoring programs into an Oracle database for: –Faster retrieval –Easier data selection –Trend studies –Archiving purposes

2 Monitoring data db Oracle Database We are using the new Oracle 9 db, called SLACPROD, instead of the older one, SLAC_TCP. This will allow us to grow the data size more easily and possibly take advantage of new Oracle feature as partitioning (quoting Ian MacGregor)

3 Monitoring data db Measurements The data we are storing comes from 3 different sources: RIPE_TT measurement ABwE measurements IEPM-BW measurements There are separate tables for each one of the data sources.

4 Monitoring data db RIPE_TT table The data is collected in real time from the data that has been received from the various RIPE TT boxes: SQL> descr RIPE_TT: Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- ALIASNAME VARCHAR2(20) NODENAME VARCHAR2(30) VERSION NUMBER(38) IPDEST VARCHAR2(30) PORTDEST NUMBER(38) IPSDR VARCHAR2(30) PORTSDR NUMBER(38) ARRIVALTIME VARCHAR2(20) DELAY NUMBER(63) NTPSRC VARCHAR2(20) NTPDEST VARCHAR2(20) SEQUENCE NUMBER(38) NTPERRSDR NUMBER(63) NTPERRDEST NUMBER(63)

5 Monitoring data db ABWE table The data stored in this table is extracted in real time from the ABwE measurements performed every minute: SQL> descr abwe; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- ALIASNAME VARCHAR2(30) NODENAME VARCHAR2(30) IPADDRESS VARCHAR2(30) TIMESTAMP NUMBER(38) ABW NUMBER(63) XTR NUMBER(63) DBCAP NUMBER(63) AVABW NUMBER(63) AVXTR NUMBER(63) AVDBCAP NUMBER(63)

6 Monitoring data db IEPM-BW_ROUTE table IEPM_BW_ROUTE contains the data for the ctrace,rtrace and trace measurements SQL> descr IEPM_BW_ROUTE; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ------------------ ---------- ALIASNAME VARCHAR2(30) NODENAME VARCHAR2(30) IPADDRESS VARCHAR2(30) TIMESTAMP NUMBER(38) TOOLNAME VARCHAR2(30) ROUTENUMBER NUMBER(38) ROUTE VARCHAR2(1024)

7 Monitoring data db IEPM_BW table This table contains the data from the iperf,qiperf,gftp and bbftp measurements. SQL> descr IEPM_BW; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- ALIASNAME VARCHAR2(30) NODENAME VARCHAR2(30) IPADDRESS VARCHAR2(30) TIMESTAMP NUMBER(38) TOOLNAME VARCHAR2(30) THROUGHPUT NUMBER(63) STREAM NUMBER(38) WINDOW_SIZE NUMBER(38)

8 Monitoring data db Current status We are debugging the tables layout and the scripts that store the data. We have already stored: RIPE_TT ~350k entries ABWE ~50k entries IEPM_BW ~7k entries IEPM_BW_ROUTE ~20k entries

9 Monitoring data db Code structure The scripts that perform the data archiving are located in the AFS area: /afs/slac/g/www/www-iepm/tools/netrat/tools There 3 Perl scripts and one Perl module for the actual archiving, and 3 Shell scripts for the management of the programs.

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