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Template for the Operational Programme under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal Morten Greve Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy 01.03.20131.

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Presentation on theme: "Template for the Operational Programme under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal Morten Greve Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy 01.03.20131."— Presentation transcript:

1 Template for the Operational Programme under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal Morten Greve Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy 01.03.20131

2 Shortcomings of 2007-2013 period 16.01.2013 2 Double encoding Information provided in both tables and documents Information already provided is not used automatically Unclear or insufficient reporting requirements Templates lacking in details and clarity Cumbersome modification and decision processes Lack of programme and data structure led to inefficient assessments and analysis Minor modification require assessment and full decision

3 A long term investment Providing everything in a structured way through pre-defined templates and forms Fast programme modification process Clear reporting Enhanced data quality Detailed specifications More work now but more clarity in the future Harmonisation Long term efficiency gains 16.01.2013 3

4 More structure (templates and SFC2014) Everything is structured and organised Data fields and tables Selection Lists (Drop down menus) Check boxes + yes/no Text fields 16.01.2013 4 Text box title Provide a description of no more than x characters of the following items: … Text box title Provide a description of no more than x characters of the following items: … Common Indicators Additional waste recycling capacity - tons Estimated reduction in leakage - m 3 Total length of new railway line – km Estimated decrease of GHG in CO 2 equivalent - tons ❑ ❑ ✓

5 More structure (templates and SFC2014) Documents are optional and for information Except where specifically required by regulation En-ante evaluation etc. In case of inconsistency between documents and data the structured data in the forms prevails Links and references cannot be used Complete reference documents are produced by the system based on the information A complete PDF version of the programme with a single click Will not include information supplied through documents Changes compared to previous versions are identified automatically Correct treatment ensured automatically Amendments with or without a Commission decision Text changes are highlighted 16.01.2013 5

6 Technical details of the template 16.01.2013 6 Purpose of the template To identify all elements of a programme To provide definitions for all elements To define the relationship between elements To remove any ambiguity The template will not Define the graphical layout of the SFC2014 input screens

7 Technical details of the template 16.01.2013 7 Each field has an identifier Description IDUnique identifier of the element typeN=Number, D=Date, S=String, C=Checkbox, P=Percentage, B=Boolean maxlengthMaximum number of characters including spaces in a text field inputM=Manuel, S=Selection, G=Generated by the system decisionN=Not part of the Decision - article 87(10) PAY=Element can be covered solely by the Partnership Agreement – article 87(8)

8 Defining the priorities 16.01.2013

9 Defining the priorities 16.01.2013

10 Defining the priorities 16.01.2013 10 Simple case: As a general rule a priority should be mono-fund, cover only one thematic objective and a single category of region Priority axisThematic objective Category of regionInvestment priorities Specific objectives corresponding to the investment priorities Fund (specify the Fund: ERDF, Cohesion Fund, ESF) Union support - EUR Co-financing rate 11Less developed 1.1Obj. 1 ERDF€ 89 000 00070.00 % 1.3Obj. 2 23 More developed3.2Obj. 3ERDF€ 15 000 00075.00 %

11 Defining the priorities 16.01.2013 11 Complex case: Can cover more than one fund, more than one thematic objective and more than one category of region Priority axisThematic objective Category of regionInvestment priorities Specific objectives corresponding to the investment priorities Fund (specify the Fund: ERDF, Cohesion Fund, ESF) Union support - EUR Co-financing rate 1 1Less developed 1.1Obj. 1 ERDF€22 300 000 70.00 % 1.3Obj. 2 2Less developed2.2Obj. 3ERDF €73 000 000 3More developed3.2Obj. 4ERDF€59 000 00050.00 % 10Less developed10.1Obj. 5ESF€163 000 00075.00 % 1N.A.1.2Obj. 6CF€19 700 00085.00 % 2…………………

12 Indicators and other elements 16.01.2013 12 Priority axis and indicators All information in particular output and result indicates will follow the structure of the priority axis Simple priorities will have a simple indicator table Complex priorities will have complex indicator tables broken down in accordance with the intervention logic. All tables will be created and wherever possible pre-filled on the basis of the intervention logic

13 Pre-filled tables 16.01.2013 13

14 Automatically generated tables 16.01.2013 14

15 Elements not subject to a Commission decision 16.01.2013 15

16 Elements that can be provided solely in the Partnership Agreement 16.01.2013 16

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